8Installation Manualbe configured with different specifications.For Storage battery system : AC230V 16A trip (TYPE C)For Network Adaptor : AC230V 10A trip (TYPE C)For STAND-ALONE Socket outlet : AC230V 16A trip (If necessary)*In compliance with the law and regulations, select RCD "type" and "rated sensitive leakage current".System ConfigurationStoragebatterysystemNetworkAdaptorCOMDRM To DREDNo connectSYSCOMCTCTPoint ofSupplyMainswitchHomeLoadTN or TTsystemL1L NN1PEPENPEL N PESTAND-ALONESocket-outlet(Type-02)Switch boardTurn off these protectiondevices in an emergency.Installation of Single SystemCT/COM/DRM/SYSTEM line is SELV circuit.Grid-interactive LineGrid LineStand-alone LineDRM LineSYSTEM Linemax. 50 mmax. 50 mCAT5e (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX)PVC Flexible Cable 2C 0.75mm2* Please use copper wire cables.* This wiring system chart is only a typical example and mayThe wiring system can be designed as necessary in accordance with wiring rules.* Network Adaptor and/or DRED are not installed on some systems depending on contractual coverage.*Protection DeviceIn compliance with the law and regulations, please select and install protection devices with reference to thefollowing.Circuit-breaker Select and install the circuit breaker for protection of AC over current.RCD* In this product, between the DC side of battery and the AC side is insulated.* This product is equipped with STAND-ALONE breaker "Type-AC". If the circuit breaker other than "Type-AC" is required,please install the appropriate circuit breaker for STAND-ALONE Socket-outlet in accordance with the law and regulations.WiringConductors Cable/Wire Size Cable/Wire LengthPVC Circular Cable 2C+E 2.5 mm 2 max. 50 mPVC Circular Cable 2C+E 1.5 mm 2 max. 50 mPVC Circular Cable 2C+E 2.5 mm 2 max. 50 mCT Line PVC Flexible Cable 2C 0.75 mm 2 max. 50 mCOM Line PVC Flexible Cable 2C 0.75 mm 2 max. 50 mProtectiondevice forStoragebatterysystemProtectiondevice forNetworkAdaptor