Recording pictures (advanced)70ISO sensitivity represents the sensitivity tolight in values. If you set the ISO sensitivityhigher, the camera becomes more suitablefor recording in dark places.• When setting to [AUTO], the ISOsensitivity is automatically adjusted from[ISO80] to [ISO200] according to thebrightness. (It can be adjusted from[ISO100] to [ISO400] when using theflash. However, it is fixed to [ISO100]when the flash mode is set to Slow sync./Red-eye reduction [ ].)• In motion image mode [ ] or scenemode (P58), ISO sensitivity is fixed to[AUTO]. (In [NIGHT SCENERY] and[FIREWORKS] in scene mode, it is fixedto [ISO100], and in [PANNING], it is fixedto [ISO80].)• You cannot select [AUTO] inAperture-priority AE, Shutter-priority AEand Manual exposure mode.• To avoid picture noises, we recommendreducing the ISO sensitivity, setting[NOISE REDUCTION] in [PICT.ADJ] to[HIGH] or setting the items except [NOISEREDUCTION] to [LOW] to take pictures.(P75)• Refer to P55 for the shutter speed.When you select a smaller picture size(640k480 pixels), you can store morepictures on a card. In addition, it isconvenient to attach the picture to ane-mail or post it on a website because thefile size is small.If you select a larger picture size(2560k1920 pixels), you can print picturesclearly.• For details on how to playback picturesrecorded using [HDTV] mode on aHigh-Definition TV (HDTV has a 16:9aspect), refer to P95.• Both ends of the pictures recorded using[HDTV] mode may be cut off in printing.Check the picture before printing. (P110)• In motion image mode [ ], the picturesize is fixed to 320k240 pixels.• Pictures may appear like a mosaicdepending on the subject or the recordingcondition.• The number of recordable picturesdepends on the subject.• The number of remaining pictures may notcorrespond with recorded frames.• Refer to P18 for the number of recordablepictures.ISO Sensitivity [SENSITIVITY]ISO sensitivity 80 400Use in brightplaces(e.g. outdoors)Suitable NotsuitableUse in darkplacesNotsuitable SuitableShutter speed Slow FastNoise Less IncreasedPicture Size [PICT.SIZE]2560 2560k1920 pixels2048 2048k1536 pixels1600 1600k1200 pixels1280 1280k960 pixels640 640k480 pixelsHDTV 1920k1080 pixelsSCN1 SCN2