10IntroductionAbout the contents of these instructions● Please note that some of the explanations and screens coveredin these operating instructions may differ from the actual screensand contents. (Differences may also occur depending on your PC’soperating environment).● No information is provided about basic PC operations and terms.Please refer to the relevant PC manual.● The contents of these operating instructions may be subjected tochanges without prior notice.● Reproduction of these operating instructions in part or in full withoutpermission is prohibited.● The description of Windows ® in these operating instructions is basedon the Windows Vista ® screen.● In these operating instructions pictures are used fromPHOTOfunSTUDIO 5.0 HD Edition, with some exceptions.● The English, French, German, Spanish and Simplified Chineseversions of this software are available to the OS of the correspondinglanguages. If you use an OS of another language, the English versionof this software will be installed and become available.● Pages to be referred to are shown as (→00).● In these operating instructions, PHOTOfunSTUDIO 5.0 HD Edition isindicated as “PHOTOfunSTUDIO”.● In these operating instructions, a memory card refers to an SDmemory card, including the internal memory.● The usable operation items on the menu and right-click menu dependon the operation status of PHOTOfunSTUDIO or status of theselection of the pictures. The unusable items are displayed in gray.● Depending on the digital camera, some of the models do not havefunctions like [BABY] Mode, [PET] Mode, [TRAVEL DATE], [DATESTAMP], [TEXT STAMP], face categorization (Face Recognition),RAW files, etc. mentioned in these instructions.Precautions for use● Do not pull out the connected cable of media (memory card and DVD,etc.) or digital camera when using it with this software. There is apossibility that the software may not work normally or the data undertransmission may be damaged.● If the PHOTOfunSTUDIO cannot be started due to the lack ofsystem resources, close other applications and then restart thePHOTOfunSTUDIO.● If a large number of pictures are selected, it takes time to display as athumbnail view.● Depending on the environment used, the thumbnail might not bedisplayed normally when more than 10,000 pictures are displayed.About the network function● This service is available as of November 1, 2009.● In future, a guarantee of operation is not offered for any service orchanges in the specifications of YouTube™. Please note that thecontents of the service or the window which can be used mightchange at any time without prior notice.● Do not upload the motion pictures protected by copyright except whenpermission has been obtained from the related right holder.Before use