33Index Search FunctionsTo facilitate searching of desired scene, this Movie Cameraautomatically records index signals during recording, asexplained in the following.Photoshot Index SignalThese signals are automatically recorded whenever still picturesare taken in Photoshot Mode. (l 20) Photoshot Index Signalsare not recorded on still pictures recorded in ContinuousPhotoshot Mode.Scene Index SignalScene Index Signals are automatically recorded when you startrecording after inserting a Cassette.≥If [SCENEINDEX] of [RECORDING SETUP] Sub-Menu on the[CAMERA FUNCTIONS] Main-Menu is set to [2HOUR], anindex signal is recorded when recording is restarted after anelapse of 2 hours or longer. If it is set to [DAY], an index signalis recorded when recording is restarted after the date haschanged since the last recording. (While the index signal isrecorded, the [INDEX] Indication flashes for a few seconds.A)≥If the Movie Camera is switched from the VCR Mode toCamera Mode or if the date and time is set before the start ofrecording, the index signal is not recorded.ª Photoshot Index Search1 Set [VCR FUNCTIONS] >>[PLAYBACK FUNCTIONS] >> [SEARCH] >>[PHOTO].2 Press the [9] Button 1 or [:] Button 2 onthe Remote Controller.≥With each press of the corresponding button, still picturesrecorded in Photoshot Mode are searched.≥Sounds are played back for approximately 4 seconds.ª Scene Index Search1 Set [VCR FUNCTIONS] >>[PLAYBACK FUNCTIONS] >> [SEARCH] >>[SCENE].2 Press the [9] Button 1 or [:] Button 2 onthe Remote Controller.≥When the corresponding button is pressed once, the [S 1]Indication B appears, and searching of the subsequent scenemarked with an index signal starts. Each time the button ispressed after the start of Scene Index Search, the indicationchanges from [S 2] to [S 9], and the beginning of the scenecorresponding to the selected number will be searched.≥Up to 9 scene numbers can be selected.Continuous Index SearchIf the [9] Button or the [:] Button is pressed for 2 secondsor longer, search can be continued at several-second intervals.(To cancel, press the [1] Button 3 or the [∫] Button 4.)≥For other notes concerning this item, see page 48.INDEXS 1AB2ZOOMINDEX INDEXSTOP/SETK L∫OSDCOUNTERV/REWSTILL ADVDATE/TIMERESETTWsVOLr¥RECPHOTOSHOTSTART/STOPA.DUBPLAYPAUSE/ITEMFF/WSTILL ADV6 1 5;E D2 1431MENUPUSHSHUTTER /W B / IRIS/MF / JOG