*tmportant: If the remote control POWER, ACTION, PROG/VCR+, CHA/W, NUMBERED keys,INPUT, SEARCH or ADD/DLT button does not work when pressed, press the VCRbutton on the remote and try the button again.CHANNELCLOCKAUTO ser|StartChannelAutoSet[IMPORTANTNOTEFOR|[Esand ClockAutoSet.AUTOCLOCKSETidONGeesGABÍEPressCHA.eAutoclocksetisperformedthe+BOX,TUNEITTOYOURfirsttimetheVCRistumedoff3LOCALPBSCHTHEN...eachday.Ifused,acablebox2must be left on and tuned to thePLEASE PUSH CH UP KEY PBS channel at the time VCR Opower is turned off if you want auto Jy clock set to be done. U)lf used, a DSS receiver must be Y)|CHATO! SET PROCEEDING | turned off for auto clock set. eIf Cable Box or DSS receiver is LoyconnectedtoVCRviaAudio/Videojacks,anRFcoaxialcablemust| AUTO CLOCK SET | also be connected for auto clockset and channel auto set featuresPROCEEDING to. WORK.i(Setupcompleted)(Setup incomplete)Clock Setup incomplete.17 4/2000 TUE 12:00PM Set the clock manually.SETTING : CH 02 AUTO CLOCK SET 1) Press ACTION.AUTO CLOCK SET IS INCOMPLETE APUSH ACTION TO SET CLOCK OCOMPLETED: PUSH CH UP KEY2) Press AY toselect month.END* If your area observes DST (daylightsaving time), but the time is incorrect; SET CLOCKdo the “Time Zone Adjust” steps on page 33,. |3) Press > to set.SELECT MONTHSELECT:¥KEY+Likewise,set date, year,time,SET:»KEYDST(DaylightSavingTime).END:ACTIONKEYiTo Make Corrections,repeatedly press € > to move toSELECT/A -PLAY 7 41200 TUE 12T error, then correct.y pe 000 i 4) Press ACTION.> :FF ET COMPLETED (Clock starts.)O «To Ea thismode, pressACTION | START ¿ACTION KEY ACTION again.+ VCR calendar is accurately maintained toDec. 31, 2096 11:59PM.* Channel auto set selects normal TV or CableO,as“O”channelsdependingonyourVCRhookup.oOo:*ToresetLanguage, Channels, Clockor“aCHAVCR'sOutputChannelseepages32 and33.Using AV > keysYou can also operate the menuscreen using VCR buttons.When menu screens aredisplayed, the PLAY, STOP, jo: E) ™REWIND, and FF buttons on Cirethe VCR and remote function A Aas AV4» only with no tape | On Remoteo menu using VCR DRA S OENbuttons, press CH A and CH Vv: STOP >: FF¥ together.To exit the menu, repeat above.