PICTURE menuENGLISH - 21COLOUR TEMPERATUREYou can adjust the white balance of the projected image.LessbluishMorebluishSetting range: −6 to +6DYNAMIC IRISYou can switch automatic adjustment of the lamp andthe lens iris on/off.ON: Automatic adjustmentOFF: No adjustmentWAVEFORM MONITORYou can monitor whether or not the luminance levelof the input signal is in the recommended range bydisplaying it in the waveform monitor. If the waveformis not in the recommended range, adjust it for thebest quality. See “Adjusting the signal condition with awaveform” on page 14.OFFFULL SCAN(Y)FULL SCAN(R)FULL SCAN(G)FULL SCAN(B)SINGLE LINE SCAN(Y)SINGLE LINE SCAN(R)SINGLE LINE SCAN(G)SINGLE LINE SCAN(B)MONITOR POSITION UPPER LEFTAUTO ADJUSTPress ▲ ▼ to move to the required waveform1.style.Press the2. ENTER button to select.The WAVEFORM MONITOR will be displayed.NOTE:When the• WAVEFORM MONITOR is set to OFF, theAUTO ADJUST is not displayed.The waveform of the• WAVEFORM MONITOR willnot be displayed correctly with a noisy equipment orsource.The• WAVEFORM MONITOR adjusts the signal levelbased on the reference signal which consists of 0 %and 100 %. The over scanned reference signal whichruns off the edge of the screen, below 0 % or over100 % signal level will not be adjusted correctly.MONITOR POSITIONJ When the FULL SCAN is selected, press ▲ ▼ ◄► to adjust the position of the monitor.See “Adjusting the signal condition with a waveform”on page 14.AUTO ADJUSTJ You can switch on/off the automatic adjustmentsystem in each item.BLACK LEVEL ADJUSTAdjust the black level of luminance (Y) to 0 %. ONWHITE LEVEL ADJUSTAdjust the white level of luminance (Y) to100 %.ONRGB ADJUST (BLACK)Adjust the black level of colours (R/G/B) to 0 %. OFFRGB ADJUST (WHITE)Adjust the white level of colours (R/G/B) to100 %.OFFPress ▲ ▼ and select the required item.1.Press ◄ ► and switch on/off.2.Press ▲ ▼ and select3. START AUTO ADJUSTand press the ENTER button.The confirmation screen will be displayed.Press ◄ ► and select4. OK.Press the5. ENTER button.Adjustment exampleJ Project a commercial test signal for pictureadjustment on the screen and press theWAVEFORM MONITOR button.100%50%0%100%50%0%100%50%0%ENTERENTERAdjust to 100 %Adjust to 100 %Monitor positionMonitor positionSignal levelSignal levelAdjust to 0 %Adjust to 0 %Imagedisplayable areaImagedisplayable areaWith COMPUTER (except HD) orHDMI (Expand)