PICTURE menuENGLISH - 23Press the3. MENU button to display the PICTUREmenu on the right.- +- +- +- +- +- +PICTURE MODECONTRASTBRIGHTNESSCOLOURTINTSHARPNESSCOLOUR TEMPERATUREDYNAMIC IRISWAVEFORM MONITORSPLIT ADJUSTADVANCED MENUMEMORY SAVEMEMORY LOADMEMORY EDITNORMALON000000PICTUREPOSITIONLANGUAGELENS CONTROLFUNCTION BUTTONVIERA LINK MENUOPTIONENTERRETURNSELECTPT-AE4000EMOVE AREA GO TO SPLIT ADJUSTENTER GO TO FREEZE SCREENRETURNAdjust the required4. PICTURE menu items.Only the highlighted menu items are adjustable.Sub-menu items vary according to the selected inputsignal. See “Menu list” on page 17.Press the5. MENU or RETURN button several timesto escape from the menu.Press the6. ENTER button.The confirmation screen will be displayed. SelectYES to finish the adjustment.Press the7. ENTER button.Press the ENTER button again to return to theAREA SELECT.Press the RETURN button to escape from the SPLITADJUST mode.ADVANCED MENUYou can perform more detailed image adjustmentmanually.J GAMMAYou can make detailed adjustments to the lightintensity of each input signal level by using theADVANCED mode or using the SIMPLE mode toadjust at 3 levels (high, mid, low).NOTE:You can only adjust the• GAMMA settings througheither the ADVANCED or SIMPLE mode.Both settings cannot be used at the same time.Select GAMMA ADJUSTMENT in ADVANCEDMENU, and press ◄ ► or the ENTER button.GAMMA ADJUSTMENTCONTRAST RCONTRAST GCONTRAST BBRIGHTNESS RBRIGHTNESS GBRIGHTNESS BNRADVANCED MENUADVANCED0000000Setting the GAMMA with theQADVANCED modeThe1. GAMMA ADJUSTMENT menu will bedisplayed and press ◄ ► to select ADVANCED.ADJUSTMENT MODEGAMMA HIGHGAMMA MIDGAMMA LOWPOINTY ADJUSTR ADJUSTG ADJUSTB ADJUSTINITIALIZEADVANCED5GAMMA ADJUSTMENTRETURNSELECTTo open the2. Y ADJUST menu, press ▲ ▼ toselect Y ADJUST and then press the ENTERbutton.In the graph belowMaximum 9 points are adjustable.The point counts from lower input signal, 1 to 9.CHANGE MODE RESETRETURNCHANGE POINTOUTPUT ADJ.INTPUT ADJ.Y ADJUSTPOINT INPUT0% 50%50% 05100%INPUTOUTPUTOUTPUTPresents selected pointInformation about the present selected point.The factory default setting:POINT [5] INPUT [50 %] OUTPUT [0]POINTDisplay the present selected point number.Your selected point is indicated in yellow onthe graph.(The factory default setting: point 5)INPUTDisplay the input level of the presentselected point.Setting range: from 1 to 99 % in incrementsof 1 %(The factory default setting: 10, 20, 30, 40,50, 60, 70, 80, 90 %)OUTPUTDisplay the output level of the presentselected point.Adjustable range depends on the input level.(The factory default setting: 0)