PICTURE menuENGLISH - 27J COLOUR MANAGEMENTYou can adjust a selected colour individuallyby using CURSOR or adjust the six colourcomponents (Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Magenta,Yellow) by using RGBCMY.To open the COLOUR MANAGEMENT menu,select from the ADVANCED MENU in thePICTURE menu, or press the FUNCTION buttonas a shortcut.In the factory default setting, COLOURMANAGEMENT is set as a default for the FUNCTIONbutton.PROFILEADJUSTMENT MODESTART ADJUSTMENTLOGPROFILE SAVEPROFILE DELETEPROFILE NAME CHANGENORMALCURSORCOLOUR MANAGEMENTRETURNSELECTCreate a new profileQAdjusting the selected colour with theCURSOR mode.Select a colour and adjust COLOUR, TINT andBRIGHTNESS.Press ◄ ►1. to select CURSOR in ADJUSTMENTMODE.Press ▲ ▼ to select2. START ADJUSTMENT andpress the ENTER button.The projected image is captured, and the targetcursor is displayed.When the LOG is fully stored, the target cursor willnot be displayed.Target cursorMove the cursor with ▲ ▼ ◄ ► to the required3.place to select a colour and press the ENTERbutton.The colour at the centre of the target cursor is sampledand the sample box is displayed in the left of the cursor.The menu items are displayed on the screen.You may fail to adjust when the very edge point ofthe projection area is selected as sample.You can create a profile only when ADJUSTMENTMODE is set to either CURSOR or RGBCMY.ENTER DEFAULTRETURNSELECTCURSOR- +- +- +COLOURTINTBRIGHTNESS000Sampled colourPress ▲ ▼ to select a menu item and the ◄ ► to4.adjust each item level.The result box is displayed on the right of the cursorand shows the adjusted colour.ENTER DEFAULTRETURNSELECTCURSOR- +- +- +COLOURTINTBRIGHTNESS+10+10+10Adjusted colourCOLOUR Adjust the vividness of the colour.Setting range: −30 to +30TINT Adjust the colour tone.Setting range: −30 to +30BRIGHTNESS Adjust the brightness of the colour.Setting range: −20 to +20Press the5. ENTER button to store the adjustedresult.“PROCESSING” is displayed for a few seconds andthe result is stored in LOG.You can store up to 8 logs under LOG for eachPICTURE MODE setting.Press the6. MENU or RETURN button to return tothe previous menu.Repeat the steps above to store more adjustment.When the LOG is fully stored, the screen willbe switched automatically to the COLOURMANAGEMENT menu.Adjusting the selected colour with theRGBCMY mode.Select the colour from 6 different colour types(RED, GREEN, BLUE, CYAN, MAGENTA,YELLOW) and adjust COLOUR,TINT andBRIGHTNESS.PROFILEADJUSTMENT MODESTART ADJUSTMENTLOGNORMALRGBCMYPress ◄ ► to select1. RGBCMY in ADJUSTMENTMODE.Press ▲ ▼2. to select START ADJUSTMENT andpress the ENTER button.