38OPTION2 settingsOPTION2PROJECTOR IDINSTALLATIONALTITUDEDIRECTIONLAMP SELECTLAMP RELAYLAMP POWERRS-232CCHANGEMENU SELECTALLFRONT-FLOORLOWHORIZONTALDUALOFFHIGHSYSTEM INFORMATIONAUTO POWER OFFDATE AND TIMEDISABLEPASSWORDPROJECTOR IDThe projector has an ID number setting functionthat helps the user to control two or more projectorseither simultaneously or separately with a singleremote control. The ID number is set to “ALL” bydefault. Hence the ID number need not be setwhen only one projector is used.1 – 64 : The ID number is set in this range.• The ID number can be set to “ALL”, orselected from “1” to “64”.• If the projectors are given ID numbers,their remote controls must be assignedthe same ID numbers, respectively.• If the ID number of a projector is set to“ALL”, it can be controlled by theremote control or the PC with any IDnumber.If multiple projectors are used andsome of them have their IDs set to“ALL”, they cannot be controlledseparately from the projectors withother ID numbers.For details on remote control IDsetting, see page 15.NoteINSTALLATIONSwitch this setting according to the projectorinstallation method.FRONT-FLOORFRONT-CEILINGREAR-FLOORREAR-CEILINGALTITUDEThe fan can be controlled in accordance with theoperating conditions.LOW : This is the standard setting.HIGH : This is selected when using the projectorat an altitude of over 1 400 m (4 593.2').DIRECTIONThe fan can be controlled in accordance with thedirection in which the images are to be projected.HORIZONTAL: This is the standard setting.VERTICAL : This is selected when projectingimages at a significant angletoward the vertical (more than 30degrees from the horizontal).H: HORIZONTALV: VERTICAL30°30°30°30°VVH H• Select the correct “DIRECTION” settingin accordance with the direction in whichthe images are to be projected.Using the projector at the wrong“DIRECTION” setting will shorten theservice life of the lamps.Attention