E NGLISH -35 Useful functions34-ENGLISHSD selection screenWhen you insert the SD memory card into the SD memory card slot, theinput signal will automatically switch to “SD” and the SD selection screen willbe displayed. (An image will be played back depending on the “MODE”setting in the “SD PICTURE SETUP” menu. Refer to page 38 for details.)When the SD selection screen is displayed and files in the SD memory cardare being played back, use the SD operation buttons (page 18) for operation.A: FoldersThis displays the folders in the SD memory card.B: Information on the folder and fileThis displays the type of folder, the counting number, the date and thetype of file starting from the top.PICTUREThe “PICTURE” folder contains still image data and moving image datarecorded by a LUMIX Panasonic digital camera.PRESENTATIONThe folders that are categorized as “PRESENTATION” contain files forpresentation that have been created by ImageCreator 1.5. The folderscreated by ImageCreator 1.5 are assigned a DCF-compliant folder name(three numerals followed by “PJPCN”).DPOFFolders categorized as “DPOF” contain files for which various settingshave been made by digital cameras. (For example, settings for slideshows.) You can make settings by DPOF-compatible digital cameras.The files with DPOF settings are stored in the “AUTO_PLAY#” folder inaddition to the “PICTURE” folder. (The folder name consists of“AUTO_PLAY” followed by one numeral.)NOTE:B If the thumbnail has not been incorporated into the image file inadvance, it will take a longer time before the thumbnail appears.B “?” is displayed for files whose thumbnails cannot be displayed for somereason. (For example, the data had been corrupted.)B For moving images, the first frame will be displayed.ABCDNOTE:B The “PICTURE” folder contains still image data and moving image datarecorded by a LUMIX Panasonic digital camera.Playing back images from a SDmemory cardSHUTTERVOLUMEROTATERETURNENTERSTD # Select a folder by pressing the SD or SDbutton.Thumbnails will be displayed (page 34 D).BIf there are more than 9 folders, press the SDbutton when selecting the lower-rightfolder to display the next 9 (or less) folders.BIf there are some folders that are notdisplayed, their folder names may notcompatible with the DCF standard. Press theSD ROTATE button to display the helpscreen. Press any SD operation button toreturn to the SD selection screen from thehelp screen.$ Press the SD ENTER button.The cursor will move to the thumbnail area.This displays the counting number of the selected file. [Folder number(three numerals)-file number (four numerals)]This displays the date when the selected file was created.“Movie” will be displayed when the selected file is a moving image.C: Operation guideThis displays the buttons which can be used for operation.D: ThumbnailsThumbnails of images in the selected folder are displayed.SD operation buttons PreviousNext |