E NGLISH -47 Adjustments and settings46-ENGLISHPress the F or G button on theremote control unit to select an item,and then press the I or H buttonto change the setting.For items without any selectivesetting, press the ENTER button.The next screen for the item willthen be displayed. For items withbar scales, press the ENTER buttonor the I or H button to display theadjustment screen, and then pressthe I or H button to make theadjustment.B If an SD signal is being input,only “KEYSTONE” will bedisplayed.B “ASPECT” will not be displayed ifa PC signal is being input.KEYSTONEThis projector detects its owndegree of tilt and corrects thekeystone distortion automatically.However, keystone distortion maystill affect the images in some cases(e.g. when the projector is tiltedslightly and the tilt is correctedslowly by hand or when the screenitself is tilted). In such cases, youcan correct the vertical keystonedistortion manually.Adjusting the positionP O S I T I O N A D J U S T M E N TK E Y S T O N EA S P E C T 4 : 3P O S I T I O ND E T A I L E D S E T U PS E L E C T E N T E R R E T R NS4:3The size of the input signal iscompressed to 75% and projected.(This is useful for projecting apicture with a 4:3 aspect ratio onto a16:9 screen.)AUTO(S-VIDEO only)When an S1 video signal is beinginput, the aspect ratio is changedautomatically to project a 16:9 picture.4:3The input signal is projected withoutchange.16:9The picture is compressed to a ratioof 16:9 and projected.A S P E C T A U T O[4 : 3[1 6 : 9[S 4 : 3S1 video signalsB S1 video signals are a type ofvideo signal with an aspect ratioof 16:9 which include a detectorsignal. This detector signal isoutput by some sources such aswide-vision video decks.B When “ASPECT” is set to“AUTO”, the projector recognizesthe detector signal andautomatically switches the aspectratio to 16:9.When a horizontallysqueezed signal isbeing input.When a 4:3 signalis being input.[[When using the 16:9 screenASPECT(S-VIDEO/VIDEO/480i, 576i, 480pand 576p YPBPR only)NOTE:B Vertical keystone distortion can becorrected to ±30° of the angle of tiltby combining automatic correctionand manual correction. However,the greater the correction amount,the more the picture quality willdeteriorate, and the harder it willbecome to achieve a good level offocus. To obtain the best picturequality, set up the projector andscreen in such a way that theamount of keystone correctionrequired is as minimal as possible.B The picture size will also changewhen correction of keystonedistortion is carried out.B The ratio of length and width ofan image may become incorrectdepending on the amount of thekeystone correction.B Keystone distortion of the on-screen display will not be corrected.B If you correct the keystonedistortion manually, the amountof correction will be stored bythe projector even after thepower is turned off. However,when you turn on the power,the amount of correction will bePicturecondition OperationPress the F or Hbutton.Press the G or Ibutton.reset if the tilt is different fromthe last time you used theprojector. In such cases (e.g.when you change the setupplace), correct the keystonedistortion again.ADJUSTMENT 0KEYSTONE