<4<4TPS >>To find the beginning of a program(TPS: tape program sensor)This function is also available from the remote control. Follow theprocedure described below.Pressthefast-forward/rewind/tapeprogramsen-sor button.When the forward side (>) is being played:ieee The tape will be played from the beginning of the nextprogram.iis The tape will be rewound to the beginning of thepresent program, then the program will be playedagain.While a TPS operation is taking place, the play indicator will flash.When the reverse side is being played;The reverse operation should be taken place.Note:The TPS function may sometimes fail to operate correctly in thefollowing cases:When the interval between program (the non-recorded part) isless than 4 seconds.When a tape has been recorded with fade-ins and fade-outs.When there is a particularly low level passage or silent passagein the middle of a program.When a tape recorded from a microphone is being played back(and there are no unrecorded blanks between the tape programs).When less than 10 seconds remain until the start of the presentprogram or start of the next program.~27—TofastforwardorrewindthetapePressthefast-forward/rewind/tapeprogramsen-sorbutton.Ifoneofthesebuttonsarepressedwhenthetapeisstationary,thetapewillstartmovingathighspeedinthedirection ofthearrow(<4,PP),regardlessofwhichsideisbeingplayedback.Tofastforwardorrewindthetapewhileanotherdeckisusedtoplayback, pressthedeck1/2buttontoswitchthedecktobeusedandthenpressthefastforwardorrewindbutton.