111VQT1P61Others≥ When the LCD monitor gets dirty, wipeit with a dry soft cloth.≥ In a place with drastic temperaturechanges, condensation may form onthe LCD monitor. Wipe it with soft drycloth.≥ When the unit has become very cold,for example due to storage in a coldarea, its LCD monitor will be slightlydarker than usual immediately after thepower is turned on. The normalbrightness will be restored when theunit’s internal temperature rises.If condensation forms on the unit, thelens will cloud up, the SD card may bedamaged and the unit may not workproperly. Make every effort to ensure thatcondensation does not form. If it doesform, take the actions described below.∫ Causes of condensationCondensation takes place when theambient temperature or humidity ischanged as follows.≥ When this unit is brought inside fromthe cold (e.g. a ski slope) to a warmroom.≥ When this unit is moved from anair-conditioned car to outside.≥ When a cold room has been warmedup quickly.≥ When cool wind from an air conditioneris directly blown onto this unit.≥ After summer afternoon showers ofrain.≥ When this unit is in a very humid placewhere the air is thick with steam. (e.g.a heated swimming pool)When this unit is taken to a locationwith a significant temperaturedifference such as from a cold placeto a hot place.If, for example, you have used this unitfor recording on a ski slope and aretaking it into a heated room, place theunit inside a plastic bag, remove asmuch of the air from inside the bag aspossible, then seal the bag. Leave theunit for about an hour in the room so thetemperature of the unit is close to theambient temperature of the room, thenuse it.∫ What to do if the lens is fogged up.Remove the battery or AC adaptor andleave the unit for about 1 hour with thecard/battery door open. When the unitbecomes close to the ambienttemperature, the fog disappearsnaturally.LCD monitorExtremely high precision technologyis employed to produce the LCDMonitor screen featuring a total ofapproximately 123,000 pixels. Theresult is more than 99.99% effectivepixels with a mere 0.01% of the pixelsinactive or always lit. However, this isnot a malfunction and does not affectthe recorded picture.About condensation