87VQT1P61With a computerTo verify if this unit is correctlyrecognised by the computer, turn on thisunits power and then connect the unit tothe computer with a USB cable andfollow the steps below.≥ With some computers including thosemade by NEC, the Device Managermay not be displayed if a mode thatplaces restrictions on the functions hasbeen established. Consult themanufacturer or follow the steps inyour computer’s operating instructionsto establish a mode in which all thefunctions can be used, then proceedwith operation.1 (When using Windows XP/2000)Select [start] > ([Settings] >)[Control Panel] >([Performance andMaintenance] > ) [System].(When using Windows Vista)Select [start] # [Control Panel] #[System and Maintenance] #[Device Manager].2 (When using Windows XP/2000)Click the [Hardware] tab, thenclick [Device Manager].3 Verify the following items aredisplayed.∫ If the driver has beenrecognised properly[USB Mass Storage Device] appears at[Universal Serial Bus controllers].∫ If the driver has not beenrecognised properly[!] or [Unknown device] appears at[Universal Serial Bus controllers] or[Other devices], etc.(Where the display will appear dependson the type of computer you are using.)You can use the following methods toenable the driver to be recognised.Method 1: Turn off the unit and yourcomputer once and tryverifying again.Method 2: Remove the SD card and tryverifying again.Method 3: Try connecting the unit toanother USB port on yourcomputer.Verifying that the unitis correctly recognisedby the computer