Panasonic TX-55MZ800E Operating Instructions Manual
Also see for TX-55MZ800B: Operating instructions
English - 21 -Dolby Vision Notification: Set your notificationappearance preference for Dolby Vision content.When turned on, Dolby Vision logo will be dis-played on the screen when Dolby Vision contentis detected.DNR: Dynamic Noise Reduction (DNR) is theprocess of removing noise from digital or analoguesignals. Set your DNR preference as Low, Medi-um, Strong, Auto or turn it off by setting as Off.MPEG NR: MPEG Noise Reduction cleans upblock noise around outlines and noise on the back-ground. Set your MPEG NR preference as Low,Medium, Strong or turn it off by setting as Off.Max Vivid: Manipulates contrast and colourperception, basically converts Standard DynamicRange picture to High Dynamic Range picture. Setas On to enable.Adaptive Luma Control: Adaptive Luma controladjusts contrast settings globally according tocontent histogram in order to provide deeper blackand brighter white perception. Set your AdaptiveLuma Control preference as Low, Medium,Strong or turn it off by setting as Off.Local Contrast Control: Local contrast controldivides each frame to defined small regions andprovides ability to apply independent contrast set-ting for each region. This algorithm improves finedetails and provides better contrast perception.It makes higher depth impression by enhancingdark and bright areas without any detail loss. Setyour Local Contrast Control preference as Low,Medium, High or turn it off by setting as Off.Filmmaker Mode: Filmmaker mode and Autoswitch options will be available. To enable ordisable an option, highlight and press OK.Flesh Tone: Adjusts the skin tone brightness.Set your preference as Low, Medium, or Highto enable. Set as Off to disable.DI Film Mode: It is the function for 3:2 or 2:2cadence detection for 24 fps film content andimproves the side effects (like interlacing effect orjudder) which are caused by these pull down me-thods. Set your DI Film Mode preference as Autoor turn it off by setting as Off. This item will not beavailable if Game Mode or PC Mode is turned on.Blue Stretch: Human eye perceives cooler whitesas brighter white, Blue Stretch feature changesWhite balance of mid-high grey levels to coolercolour temperature. Turn the Blue Stretch functionon or off.Gamma: Set your gamma preference. Dark, Mid-dle, and Bright options will be available.Game Mode: Game mode is the mode which cutsdown some of the picture processing algorithmsto keep up with video games that have fast framerates. Turn the Game Mode function on or off.Note: The game mode can not be used for Netflix andYouTube. If you want to use the game mode for MultiMedia Player or HDMI source, you need to set the MJCoption to Off.ALLM: ALLM (Auto Low Latency Mode) functionallows the TV to activate or deactivate low latencysettings depending on playback content. Highlightthis option and press OK to turn the ALLM functionon or off.PC Mode: PC Mode is the mode which cuts downsome of the picture processing algorithms to keepsignal type as it is. It can be usable especially forRGB inputs. Turn the PC Mode function on or off.De-Contour: Decreases the contour effects inlow-resolution content and auto streaming servi-ces. Set your preference as Low, Middle, or Highto enable. Set as Off to disable.MJC: Optimises the TV’s video settings formotional images to acquire a better quality andreadability. Highlight this option and press OK tosee available options. Effect, Demo Partition,and Demo options will be available. Set theEffect option to Low, Middle, or High to enablethe MJC function. Highlight Demo Partition andpress OK to set your preference. All, Right andLeft options will be available. Highlight Demo andpress OK to activate the demo mode. While thedemo mode is active, the screen will be dividedinto two sections, one displaying the MJC activity,the other displaying the normal settings for the TVscreen. If the Demo Partition option is set to All,both sides will display the MJC activity.HDMI RGB Range: This setting should be ad-justed according to input RGB signal range onHDMI source. It can be limited range (16-235)or full range (0-255). Set your HDMI RGB rangepreference. Auto, Full and Limit options will beavailable. This item will not be available, if theinput source is not set as HDMI.Low Blue Light: Electronic device screens emitblue light that can cause eye strain and may leadto eye problems over time. To reduce the effectof blue light set your preference as Low, Middle,or High. Set as Off to disable.Colour Space: You can use this option to set therange of colours displayed on your TV screen.When set as On, colours are set according to thesource signal. When set as Auto, the TV decidesto set this function as on or off dynamically, accor-ding to source signal type. When set as Off, theTV’s maximum colour capacity is used by default.Automatic Playback Optimisation: Turn theautomatic playback optimisation feature on or off. |
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