24Select an input methodInput Panel ButtonTap to see your choiceUse the input panel to enter information in any program on CF-P2. You can either type usingthe soft keyboard or write using Letter Recognizer, Block Recognizer, or Transcriber. Ineither case, the characters appear as typed text on the screen.To show or hide the input panel, tap the input panel button. Tap the arrow next to the inputpanel button to see your choices.Using the Input PanelTo type with the soft keyboard:(1) Tap here and then [Keyboard].(2) On the soft keyboard that is displayed,tap the keys with your stylus.Tap [123] to allow the keyboard to input $,{}, %, etc.Entering InformationEntering NumbersThere are two ways to enter numbers. If CF-P2 is in ABC or T9 mode, you can enter anumber by pressing the corresponding number key until a number is displayed. The num-ber is entered, but CF-P2’s text entry mode doesn’t change.You can also enter numbers by setting CF-P2 to 123 mode (by pressing # until isdisplayed). Setting CF-P2 to 123 mode is useful if you want to enter more than one or twonumbers—for example, street addresses or phone numbers. After setting CF-P2 to 123mode, enter numbers by pressing the corresponding number keys. When you’re finished,set CF-P2 back to previous mode (by pressing until previous mode is displayed).Moving the CursorYou can move the cursor by pressing the right/left cursor control. However, the number ofcharacters that the cursor moves can vary—within T9 mode it generally moves word byword and within ABC mode it moves letter by letter.Deleting TextYou can delete text by pressing . Each key press deletes the character left of the cursor.(Example for [Keyboard])