I(23) , (24) , (25) , (26) setting keysEight keys each containing an LED. Their names and use depend onthe mode as follows.Table 4-2 Functions of setting keysi .,27|i IXo01; o1 1.: ro* mMode0-oosIT3sno2CDUoa+j0CO0)uKeys to be used(Conditions)(23) 1 1 1□ □(Not lit.)□ 0 0T(Not lit.)(25) FREQ RANGE(Not lit.)AS▼0 (Not lit.)^23J (One LED lights.)(li) AJg cczj°[zi’It t]304[326) (One LED lights.)NameFREQ/AMPTDup keysFREQ/AMPTDdown keysFREQ rangeup keyFREQ rangedown keyLetterkeysA,B,C,DNumeralkeys1/2,3,4Use according to the modeFREQ key lights.Increment the digitsabove them andcarries up to themore significantdigit.Decrements the digitsabove them andborrows down from themore significantdigit.Shifts the frequencyrange upward.Shifts the frequencyrange downward.RCL key lights.AMPTD keyA lights7Same asleft.Same asleft.InvalidSTO (WRITE)key lights.The preset memory registeraddress is determined by combi¬nations of two lit keys.(A-l to D-4).MODIFY digit select switch2-position slide switch to select the digit to be incremented.The least significant digit or the next digit can be selected.MODIFY controlRotary encoder with 50 detents per revolution. The controlincrements or decrements the displayed frequency or amplitude atthe digit select switch (27). The control is particularly •useful for modifying preset values after they are recalled in thepreset mode.4-6