16 17ViewingOPTION SD CARDEXITRETURNDIRECT TV RECMULTI WINDOW<< 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 >>TELETEXTINFORMATION17:51 28 FebP108red green yellow blueSTTLMULTI WINDOWyellow yellow• Sub pages:The number of sub pages varies depending on the broadcasters (up to 79 pages).It may take some time for searching, during which time you can watch TV.Viewing TeletextSwitch to Teletext1Select the pageuporYou can enjoy teletext broadcasting, including news, weather forecasts and subtitles, if this service isprovided by the broadcasters.or■ To return to TV(Corresponds to the colour bar)• Displays Index(content variesdepending on thebroadcasters)INDEXView inmultiwindowWatchTV whilewaitingfor updateStorefrequentlyviewedpagesView subpageCall up afavouritepages• Call up the page stored in “blue”.• Factory setting is “P103”.down• Viewing TeletextWatch TV and Teletext in two windows at onceTime / dateCurrentpagenumberSub page numberColour barWhat is FLOF (FASTEXT) mode?In FLOF mode, four differently coloured subjects are situated at the bottom of the screen. To access moreinformation about one of these subjects, press the appropriately coloured button. This facility enables fast access toinformation on the subjects shown.What is List mode?In List mode, four differently coloured page numbers are situated at the bottom of the screen. Each of thesenumbers can be altered and stored in the TV’s memory. (“Store frequently viewed pages”, p. 17)■ To change mode “Teletext” in Setup Menu (p. 21)■ To adjust contrastAs the blue bar is displayedRevealhiddendata red• Re-hide redReveal hidden words e.g. quiz page answers■ Using teletext convenientlyFULL /TOP /BOTTOMgreenNormal (FULL)(BOTTOM)(Expand the BOTTOM half)Return to the main index pageIf you wish to hold the current page without updatingStop or resume automatic updating■ To resumeHOLDStore frequently viewed pagesin the colour bar(List mode only)pressandholdAs page isdisplayedThe number changes to white.Correspondingcolour button■ To change stored pagespressandholdEnter new page numberColour button youwant to changeEnter the4-digit numberexample: P6Appears at upper-leftcorner of the screen■ To view specific sub pageblueView sub page (Only when teletext is more than one page)Appearswhenupdating iscompleted(You cannot change the channel.)Teletext automatically updates itself when new information becomes available.• The news page provides a function that indicates arrival of latest news (“News Flash”).Changes to TV screen temporarilyView theupdatedpageView the TV picture while searching for a teletext page2• Operations can be made only in Teletext screen.What is TOP mode? (in case of TOP text broadcasting)TOP is a particular improvement of the standard teletext service that results in an easier search and effective guide.• Fast overview of the teletext information available• Easy to use step-by-step selection of the topical subject• Page status information at the bottom of the screenAvailable page up / down red greenTo select among subject blocks blueTo select next subject within the subject block(After the last subject, it moves to the next subject block.) yellow(TOP)(Expand the TOP half)(Analogue mode only)