Settings and Printing NetworkNetworkMaintenance and Spec.Setup in NetWare130[D] Using NDPS - HP Gateway (NetWare 5.x / NetWare 6 only)NDPS Manager and NDPS Broker must be created before proceeding the following steps.1 Start the server system.2 Start the client system and log on the network in the NDS mode.3 Double click nwadmn32.EXE to display the NetWare Administrator window.4 With the container object highlighted, click Create... from the Object menu.The New Object window is displayed.5 Select NDPS Printer from the Class of new object box, then click [OK].The Create NDPS Printer window is displayed.6 Enter a printer name (for example: DP-CL21M) in the NDPS Printer Name box,click on the Create a New Printer Agent check button and click [Create].The Create Printer Agent window is displayed.7 Select the Hewlett-Packard IP/IPX Printer Gateway from the Gateway Typeswindow, click the [Ö] button to the right of the NDPS Manager Name box,select any NDPS Manager from the left window and click [OK].8 Click [OK].The Configure HP Printer Gateway for PA window will be displayed.9 Leaving the ñ No Printer Type ñ selected from the Printer Type box, click oneither IP Printer or IPX Printer check box. Select the printer from the listdisplayed in the Printer/JetDirect window, and then click [OK].The Select Printer Drivers window is displayed.NOTE:ï If the server and the printer are communicating using TCP/IP protocol, then use IP Printer.10 If the printer driver(s) have not been installed into the NDPS Broker, then select[None] from the Printer Drivers box. Click [Continue].NOTE:ï For detailed instruction on adding the alternate printer driver, refer to the NetWare manual.11 Click [OK].The NDPS printer DP-CL21M will be displayed in the NetWare Administrator window.