Settings and Printing NetworkNetworkMaintenance and Spec.Setup in Windows45■ Step 4: Installing IPP Port on the computerThis step explains how to install IPP Port monitor for the network printer port.Before installation, confirm that the printer is connected to the network correctly and is Ready.1 Click [Start], move the pointer to Programs, Panasonic and PanasonicDP-CL21P or Panasonic DP-CL21M, then click Add Network Printer Port.The Wizard to add DP-CL21 Network Printer Port window is displayed.2 Click on the Print using IPP check button and then click [Next >].3 Click either the Connect using a modem and telephone line or Connectusing a local area network check button. Click [Next >].ï If you select Connect using a modem and telephone line, proceed to step 5.ï If your computer is not eqipped with a dial-up adapter, this selection window is not displayed.Proceed to step 4.4 Click either the Do not print using a proxy server or the Print using a proxyserver check button. Click [Next >].ï If you select Print using proxy server, enter the IP Address and port number of the proxyserver.5 Enter the URL of the printer according to the following form:http://IP Address/ipp or http://host name/ipp.6 Click [Next >].