Before You Start8Printer PanelButton OperationButton OperationMENU/EXIT (PAUSE)In the Menu mode, pressing the MENU/EXIT (PAUSE) button willallow you to exit the Menu mode and Ready is displayed.When Processing or Printing is displayed in the upper line of theLCD, pressing the MENU/EXIT (PAUSE) button will allow you topause printing.While Pause printing is displayed, pressing the MENU/EXIT(PAUSE) button will allow you to resume printing.(CANCEL)Displays the previous menu or item.Decreases the numerical value of the selection by 1. Hold down thisbutton to scroll faster.While the printer prints, pressing this button will allow you to stopprinting or processing the current job.(CONTINUE)Displays the next menu or item.Increases the numerical value of the selection by 1. Hold down thisbutton to scroll faster.When performing the manual duplex printing function, after evenpages are printed, odd pages are printed by pressing this button.When ìLOAD XXî appears on the LCD, you can print the current jobanyhow by pressing this button.ENTEREnters a sub-menu.Activates a selection.LCD Panel(2-line/40-character)MENU/EXITMENU/EXIT(PAUSE) buttonIndicatorsENTERbuttonCANCEL CONTINUEENTERPOWERREADYERRORPAUSE(CANCEL)button(CONTINUE)button