• When ON is selected for SUPER-D, the SENS UPSELECT function for the WV-CU254 or WV-CU300system controller does not work.Use the buttons on the side of the camera forsetup.• While the SENS UP function is selected, noise orspots may appear in the picture when the sensitivi¬ty of the camera is increased. This is a normalphenomenon.6. Synchronization Setting (SYNC)You can select internal sync mode (INT) or line-lockmode (LL). Additionally, this model accepts VS signal(BAA/ composite video or composite sync signal). TheVD2 signal (multiplexed vertical drive signal) with thecomposite video output signal from external equipmentsuch as a Matrix Switcher is also acceptable.Whenever the VD2 signal is supplied to this camera,the camera automatically switches to the VD2 syncmode.1. Move the cursor to the SYNC parameter andselect line-lock (LL) or internal (INT).2. Press E3. If LL is selected, the SYNC menuappears. (If INT is selected, the synchronizationmode is automatically set to internal sync pulse,and the menu is not displayed.)(- \CAM SET UP # *CAMERA ID OFFALC/ELC ALC "lSHUTTER —AGO ONSENS UP OFFSYNC INTMOTION DET OFFLENS DRIVE DCRETJImportant Notices:1. The priority for the sync modes is as follows.t. Multiplexed Vertical Drive (VD2) (Highest pri¬ority)2. Line-lock (LL)3. B/W Composite Video or Composite SyncSignal (VS)4. fnternal Sync (INT) (Lowest priority)2. When the internal sync mode is to be used, selectINT. No gen-lock input signal should be suppliedto the Gen-lock Input Connector on the rear panel.3. Whenever the multiplexed vertical drive pulse(VD2) is supplied to the camera from an externalequipment such as a Matrix Switcher, the camerasync mode is automatically switched to the VD2mode.4. When the VS gen-lock mode is to be used selectINT from this menu and supply the gen-lock inputsignal to the Gen-lock Input Connector on the rearpanel.-29-