27EXTENDED FUNCTIONS Self-hold Crater Operation with Initial Condition Function(SW6 Selected)This is the same as “general self-hold crater operation” described in [BASICS] in thatit is a welding control sequence which assumes twice on/off operation of thetorch switch to be one cycle.What differs from “general self-hold crater operation” is a period up to self-hold, thatis, welding output ranging from the first ON of the torch switch to its first OFF is acondition (initial condition) set by the regulator identical with the one used foradjustment of the crater welding condition.Operation Timing chartTpf = Gas preflow time☆ = Arc start timing★ = Arc stop timing An initial condition welding period refers to a period between arc generation byInitial torch switch-on and first torch switch-off. A regular welding period refers to a period between first torch switch-off and nexttorch switch-on. A crater welding period refers to a period between 2nd torch switch-on and next torchswitch-offWelding Arc Start(Initial Condition)Changed to WeldingArc for ThisWelding Condition(Self-hold )Torch Switch ON Torch SwitchOFFTorch Switch ONAgainChanged to Welding Arcfor Crater WeldingConditionWelding Arc StopTorch Switch OFFAgainTorch SwitchGas SupplyWire FeedWelding VoltageWelding CurrentWelding Condition AdjustmentTips