C. Configuration OptionsC-8 February 2001 3160-A2-GB21-90Network Interface Configuration OptionsTable C-3. Network Interface Configuration Options (1 of 3)NET Framing: ESF (Factory 1) D4 (Factory 2)Next D4 ESF PrevNetwork Line Framing Format. The framing format to be used on the network interface.D4 – Configures for the D4 framing format.ESF – Configures for the Extended Superframe format.NET Coding: B8ZS (Factory 1) AMI (Factory 2)Next AMI B8ZS PrevNetwork Line Coding Format. The line coding format to be used on the network interface.AMI – Configures for the Alternate Mark Inversion coding format.B8ZS – Configures for the Bipolar 8 Zero Suppression coding format.LBO: 0.0Next 0.0 –7.5 –15 –22.5 PrevLine Build Out. The line build out (LBO) for the signal transmitted to the network (0.0 dB isthe factory default).ANSI PRM: DisabNext Enab Disab PrevGenerate ANSI Performance Report Messages. Specifies whether ANSI T1.403compliant performance report messages (PRMs) are generated.Enab – Generates and sends ANSI PRMs over the FDL every second.Disab – Prevents the DSU/CSU from generating ANSI PRMs.NOTE: This configuration option is only available if the framing format is set to ESF.Mgmt Link: DisabNext Enab Disab PrevFDL Management Link. Specifies whether Facility Data Link (FDL) is enabled. SelectingEnab allows SNMP or Telnet traffic to flow over the 4 kbps data link provided by FDL.Running SNMP or Telnet over FDL requires an end-to-end FDL connection and cannot beterminated within the network.Enab – Enables the FDL management link for SNMP or Telnet.Disab – Disables the FDL management link.NOTES:– This configuration option is only available if the framing format is set to ESF.– This configuration option is not available if EDL is enabled.– If the local DSU/CSU’s FDL is enabled, the remote DSU/CSU’s FDL must also beenabled.