Configuration OptionsC-18 3166-A2-GB20-20March 1999Table C-5. Alarm Configuration Options (3 of 3)Err Rate: 10E-4Next 10E-4 10E-5 10E-6 10E-7 10E-8 10E-9 PrevExcessive Error Rate Threshold. Sets the error rate threshold that determines if anExcessive Error Rate (EER) condition is declared. This rate is determined by the ratio ofthe number of CRC6 errors to the total number of bits received over a set period of time.Select from the following:10E-4 – EER is declared if more than 1,535 CRC6 errors are detected within10 seconds (factory default).10E-5 – EER is declared if more than 921 CRC6 errors are detected within 60 seconds.10E-6 – EER is declared if more than 92 CRC6 errors are detected within 60 seconds.10E-7 – EER is declared if more than 9 CRC6 errors are detected within 60 seconds.10E-8 – EER is declared if more than 41 CRC6 errors are detected in three 15-minuteintervals.10E-9 – EER is declared if more than 4 CRC6 errors are detected in three 15-minuteintervals.AlrmRelay: DisabNext Enab Disab PrevAlarm Relay. Specifies whether an alarm condition for this circuit card activates theshared alarm relay on the 3000 Series Carrier. The alarm deactivates if the condition(s)causing it is corrected. An Alarm Cut-Off issued from the SDCP (or PC Emulationprogram) for a particular carrier-mounted DSU/CSU also deactivates the alarm. Thecarrier-mounted DSU/CSU does not reactivate the alarm relay until all alarm conditionsfor the unit are cleared.The following alarm conditions activate the alarm relay if this configuration option isenabled: Excessive Error Rate (EER) detected at the network interface. Continuous Loss of Signal (LOS) or Out of Frame (OOF) at the network interface. Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) received at the network interface. Yellow alarm signal received at the network interface.