98-16081cNetworkInterfaceLEDsNETDSU/CSU3166Port1OKFailTestSigOOFAlrmEERDTRTXDRXDCTSRTSSelectInOutNetMonSDCP Operation3-53166-A2-GB20-20 March 1999Table 3-2. Network Interface (NET) LEDsName Color MeaningSig Green Monitors the signal being received from the network.ON : A recoverable signal is being received from thenetwork.OFF : The signal cannot be recovered from the network (aLoss of Signal condition exists).OOF Yellow Monitors Out Of Frame (OOF) conditions on the receivednetwork signal.ON : At least one OOF was detected on the signal during thesampling period.OFF : No OOFs were detected on the signal during thesampling period.Alrm Yellow Indicates whether an alarm condition exists on the receivednetwork signal.ON : An alarm condition (LOS, LOF, EER, Yellow, AIS) existson the received network signal. Use the Device Healthand Status command to determine the alarm type.OFF : No alarm condition exists on the network interfacesignal.EER Yellow Indicates the Excessive Error Rate (EER) has been exceededon the network interface.NOTE: This LED is only valid when ESF framing is beingused.ON : The EER has been exceeded on the network interface.OFF : The EER has not been exceeded on the networkinterface.