Monitoring the 8774 Termination Unit4-58774-A2-GB20-10 December 1998Self-Test ResultsThe results of the last power-up or reset self-test appear in the middle column ofthe System and Test Status screen.Table 4-2. Self-Test Results MessagesMessage What Message Indicates What To DoCPU Failed The CPU failed internal testing. 1. Reset the unit and try again.DeviceFailed One or more of the 8774 TerminationUnit’s integrated circuit chips hasfailed device-level testing.2. Call your servicerepresentative for assistance.Net DSLFailed, PtnThe 8774 Termination Unit failed toloop data on the network DSL circuitof Portn.1. Reset the unit and try again.2. Call your servicerepresentative for assistance.DSX-1Failed, PtnThe 8774 Termination Unit failed tointernally loop data on the DSX-1Portn.1. Reset the unit and try again.2. Call your servicerepresentative for assistance.MemoryFailedThe 8774 Termination Unit failedmemory verification.1. Reset the unit and try again.2. Call your servicerepresentative for assistance.FailurexxxxxxxxAn internal failure occurred.(xxxxxxxx represents an 8-digithexadecimal failure code for use byservice personnel.)Record the failure code andcontact your servicerepresentative.Passed No errors were detected. N/A