Monitoring the 8774 Termination Unit4-138774-A2-GB20-10 December 19988774 Termination Unit LEDsThe following table describes the meaning and states of the LEDs on the 8774Termination Unit faceplate.Type LED LED is . . . Indicating . . .SYSTEM OK GreenOffNormal operation; card functioning normally.No power to card, or card failure.Alrm AmberOffDevice failure, or Power-On Self Test (POST)is not complete.No alarms.Test AmberAmber,flashingOffLoopback test or 511 test pattern in progress.POST in progress.No tests.DSX-1 1, 2, 3, 4 GreenAmberAmber,flashingOffRecoverable signal present on the DSX-1network.Yellow Alarm Indication (RAI) present.An LOF or AIS condition exists.The DSL LINK is down.DSL PORT 1, 2, 3, 4 GreenOffAmberAmber,flashingDSL link is up.DSL link is down.DSL training in progress.OOF condition.4M/SDSL8774SYSTEMOKAlrmTest123123DSX-1DSL PORT498-16144