Keypad Menus 8-3AC890PX Frame MThe DIAGNOSTIC MenuDIAGNOSTIC MENUPREF 6911 Display101.09 SPEED DEMAND Range: —.xx %Indicates actual speed demand. This is the input to the frequency controller.(Refer to the REFERENCE function block)101.01 REMOTE SETPOINT Range: —.xx %This is the target reference that the drive will ramp to in remote reference mode (not including trim), direction is taken fromREFERENCE::REMOTE REVERSE and the sign of REMOTE SETPOINT.(Refer to the REFERENCE function block)101.14 COMMS SETPOINT Range: —.xx %This setpoint is the target reference that the drive will ramp to in Remote Reference Comms mode (not including trim). The directionis always positive, i.e. forward.(Refer to the REFERENCE function block)101.12 LOCAL SETPOINT Range: —.xx %Indicates the Keypad setpoint. It is always a positive quantity; saved on power down. Direction is taken from LOCAL REVERSE.(Refer to the REFERENCE function block)103.01 JOG SETPOINT Range: —.xx %The setpoint is the target reference that the drive will ramp to in Jog Reference mode.(Refer to the REFERENCE JOG function block)78.17 TOTL SPD DMD RPM Range: —.xx rpmThe final value of speed demand obtained after summing all sources in rpm.(Refer to the SPEED LOOP function block)