Certification C-7AC890PX Frame MAustralia & New ZealandA Mutual Recognition Agreement in relation to conformity assessment, certificates and markings between Australia and theEuropean Community was signed on June 1, 1998 and entered into force on January 1, 1999. Sectoral Annexes of the MRAcover: medicinal products, medical devices, telecommunications terminal equipment, low voltage equipment (i.e. electricalsafety), electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), machinery, pressure equipment and automotive products.EMC StandardsExtract from Mandatory Australian Communications Authority standards.Product European International AS/NZSIndustrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) equipment EN 55011 CISPR 11 2064Note 3Information technology equipment EN 55022 CISPR 22 3548Note 2Generic (residential, commercial, and light industry) EN 50081.1 IEC 61000-6-3 4251.1Generic (industrial environments) EN 50081-2 IEC 61000-6-4 4251.2Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems EN 61800-3 IEC 61800-3 0Parker Hannifin Manufacturing Limited certification (DoC) is supported by tests undertaken in accordance with harmonisedstandard BS EN61800-3.