User Manual BDL4211x71Just a click awayIn case of any problems, we advise you to read the operating instructions carefully or go to website for additional support.Just a phone call awayIn order to avoid unnecessary inconvenience, we advise you to read the operating instructionscarefully before contacting our dealers or Information CentersIn case your Philips product is not working correctly or is defective, please contact your Philipsdealer or directly the Philips Service and Consumer Information CentersWebsite: Information Centers Eastern EuropeCZECH REPUBLICPhilips Authorised Service CenterXpectrumLužná 591/4CZ - 160 00 Praha 6Tel: 800 100 697Email: info@xpectrum.czWebsite: www.xpectrum.czHUNGARYPhilips Authorised Service CenterSerware SzervizVizimolnár u. 2-4HU - 1031 BudapestTel: +36 1 2426331Email: inbox@serware.huWebsite: www.serware.huSLOVAKIAPhilips Authorised Service CenterDatalan Servisne StrediskoPuchovska 8SK - 831 06 BratislavaTel: +421 2 49207155Email: