Philips HPS930 User Manual
Also see for HPS930: User manualUser manualUser manual
EnglishCongratulations on your purchase, and welcome to Philips! To fullyEHQHÀWIURPWKHVXSSRUWWKDW3KLOLSVRIIHUVUHJLVWHU\ ImportantRead this user manual carefully before you use the appliance and keep itfor future reference. WARNING: Do not use this appliancenear water. When the appliance is used in abathroom, unplug it after use sincethe proximity of water presents a risk,even when the appliance is switchedoff. WARNING: Do not usethis appliance near bathtubs,showers, basins or othervessels containing water. Always unplug the appliance after use. If the mains cord is damaged, youmust have it replaced by Philips, aservice centre authorised by Philips orVLPLODUO\TXDOLÀHGSHUVRQVLQRUGHUWRavoid a hazard. This appliance can be used bychildren aged from 8 years and aboveand persons with reduced physical,sensory or mental capabilities orlack of experience and knowledgeif they have been given supervisionor instruction concerning use ofthe appliance in a safe way andunderstand the hazards involved.Children shall not play with theappliance. Cleaning and usermaintenance shall not be made bychildren without supervision. Before you connect the appliance,ensure that the voltage indicated onthe appliance corresponds to the localpower voltage. Do not use the appliance for anyother purpose than described in thismanual. When the appliance is connectedto a power supply, never leave itunattended. Never use any accessories orparts from other manufacturersRUWKDW3KLOLSVGRHVQRWVSHFLÀFDOO\recommend. If you use suchaccessories or parts, your guaranteebecomes invalid. Do not wind the power cord roundthe appliance. Wait until the appliance has cooleddown completely before you store it. Pay full attention when using theappliance since it could be extremelyhot. Only hold the handle as otherparts are hot and avoid contact withthe skin. Always place the appliance with theVWDQGRQDKHDWUHVLVWDQWVWDEOHÁDWsurface. The hot heating plates shouldnever touch the surface or otherÁDPPDEOHPDWHULDO Avoid the mains cord from cominginto contact with the hot parts of theappliance. Keep the appliance away fromÁDPPDEOHREMHFWVDQGPDWHULDOZKHQit is switched on. Never cover the appliance withanything (e.g. a towel or clothing)when it is hot. Only use the appliance on dry hair. Donot operate the appliance with wethands. Keep the heating plates clean and freeof dust and styling products such asmousse, spray and gel. Never use theappliance in combination with stylingproducts. The heating plates has titaniumcoating. This coating might slowly wearaway over time. However, this doesnot affect the performance of theappliance. If the appliance is used on color-treated hair, the heating plates may beVWDLQHG%HIRUHXVLQJLWRQDUWLÀFLDOKDLUalways consult their distributor. Always return the appliance to aservice centre authorized by Philipsfor examination or repair. Repair byXQTXDOLÀHGSHRSOHFRXOGUHVXOWLQDQextremely hazardous situation for theuser. 'RQRWLQVHUWPHWDOREMHFWVLQWRopenings to avoid electric shock.(OHFWURPDJQHWLFÀHOGV (0)This Philips appliance complies with all applicable standards andUHJXODWLRQVUHJDUGLQJH[SRVXUHWRHOHFWURPDJQHWLFÀHOGVEnvironmentDo not throw away the appliance with the normal householdZDVWHDWWKHHQGRILWVOLIHEXWKDQGLWLQDWDQRIÀFLDOFROOHFWLRQpoint for recycling. By doing this, you help to preserve theenvironment. ,QWURGXFWLRQThe Philips Pro range has been developed to offer you the bestperformance, whilst perfectly taking care of your hair. We have beenworking together with leading stylists to learn what makes a productprofessional for consumers and to develop products accordingly.The Philips Pro straightener offers the best a straightener needs:ÁRDWLQJSODWHVZLWKDGXUDEOHWLWDQLXPFRDWLQJZKLFKRIIHUVJUHDWKHDWconduction for fast straightening with optimal pressure. It also offersa 10 second heat-up time for immediate straightening and digitaltemperature control, which can be controlled by the rheostat wheel.WeKRSH\RXZLOOHQMR\XVLQJWKH3URVWUDLJKWHQHUIRUDORQJWLPH7LWDQLXPSODWHVTitanium coated plates, used professionally, are valued for theirrobustness and quick heat transfer, resulting in faster straightening.3 Overview of the Straightenera 7HPSHUDWXUHLQGLFDWLRQb Heat cover/Storage capc 7LWDQLXPVWUDLJKWHQLQJSODWHVd ,RQLFRXWOHWe 7HPSHUDWXUHFRQWUROf Power on/offg 6ZLYHOSRZHUFRUGh Hanging loop 6WUDLJKWHQ\RXUKDLUNotes Always select a lower setting when you use the straightener for theÀUVWWLPH Use the straightener only when your hair is dry. Frequent users are recommended to use heat protection productswhen straightening.1 Connect the plug to a power supply socket and remove the storagecap.2 Slide and hold the lock ( ) until the LCD screen lights up.» The default temperature setting is displayed on the LCD screen( ).3 Rotate the temperature control clockwise or anti-clockwise ( ) toselect a suitable temperature setting for your hair.Note: It is not recommended to regularly use temperature above200°C to avoid damage to your hair.Hair Type Temperature SettingCoarse, curly, hard-to-straighten Mid to High(180°C and above)Fine, medium-textured or softly waved Low to Mid(150°C to 180°C )Pale, blonde, bleached or color-treated Low (Below 150°C)» When the heating plates are heating up, the temperature digitswill blink.» When the heating plates have reached the selected temperature,the temperature digits stop blinking.» If the appliance is powered on, ions are automatically andcontinuously dispensed from the outlet ( ), reducing frizz andproviding additional shine.7KHUPR*XDUGThermoGuard prevents you from unintentional heat exposure above200°C. When you increase the temperature above 200°C, thetemperature will increase only 5°C by each step.$XWRVKXWRIIThe appliance is equipped with an auto-shut off function. After 60minutes, the appliance switches off automatically. You can re-start theappliance by sliding and holding the lock until the LCD screen lightsup.4 Comb your hair and take a section that is not wider than 5cm forstraightening.Note: For thicker hair, it is suggested to create more sections.5 Place your hair between the titanium straightening plates( ) andSUHVVWKHKDQGOHVÀUPO\WRJHWKHU6 Slide the straightener down the length of the hair in a single motion(max. 5 seconds) from root to end, without stopping in order toprevent overheating. 7RFUHDWHÁLFNVVORZO\URWDWHWKHVWUDLJKWHQHULQDKDOIFLUFOHmotion inwards (or outwards) when it reaches the hair ends andlet the hair glide off the plates.7 To straighten the rest of your hair, repeat steps 4 to 6.8 7RÀQLVK\RXUKDLUVW\OLQJPLVWZLWKDVKLQHVSUD\RUÁH[LEOHKROGhairspray.Tip: Do not brush your hair while setting your hair style.$IWHUXVH:1 Switch off the appliance and unplug it.2 Place it on a heat-resistant surface until it cools down.3 Clean the appliance and straightening plates with a damp cloth.4 Store it in a safe and dry place, free of dust. You can hang it with thehanging loop ( ) and lock the plates with the supplied cap ( ). :DUUDQW\DQGVHUYLFHIf you need information e.g. about replacement of an attachment or ifyou have a problem, please visit the Philips website at\RXUFRXQWU\ \RXÀQGLWVSKRQHQXPEHULQWKHZRUOGZLGHJXDUDQWHHOHDÁHW ,IWKHUHLVQRConsumer Care Centre in your country, go to your local Philips dealer.2-year warranty plus 3 years when you register the product onlinewithin 3 months of the purchase.3RUWXJXrVParabéns pela compra do seu produto e bem-vindo à Philips! Para tiraro máximo partido da assistência oferecida pela Philips, registe o seuproduto em: ImportanteLeia cuidadosamente este manual do utilizador antes de utilizar oaparelho e guarde-o para consultas futuras. AVISO: não utilize este aparelho pertode água. Quando o aparelho for utilizado numacasa-de-banho, desligue-o da correnteapós a utilização, uma vez que apresença de água apresenta riscos,mesmo com o aparelho desligado. AVISO: não utilize esteaparelho perto de banheiras,chuveiros, lavatórios ou outrosrecipientes que contenhamágua. Desligue sempre da corrente apóscada utilização. 6HRÀRHVWLYHUGDQLÀFDGRGHYHVHUsempre substituído pela Philips, porum centro de assistência autorizadoda Philips ou por pessoal devidamenteTXDOLÀFDGRSDUDVHHYLWDUHPVLWXDo}HVde perigo. Este aparelho pode ser utilizadopor crianças com idade igual ousuperior a 8 anos e por pessoascom capacidades físicas, sensoriaisou mentais reduzidas, ou com faltade experiência e conhecimento, casotenham sido supervisionadas ou lhesWHQKDPVLGRGDGDVLQVWUXo}HVUHODWLYDVà utilização segura do aparelho e setiverem sido alertadas para os perigosenvolvidos. As crianças não podembrincar com o aparelho. A limpeza e amanutenção do utilizador não podemser efectuadas por crianças semsupervisão. $QWHVGHOLJDURDSDUHOKRFHUWLÀTXHVHde que a tensão indicada no mesmocorresponde à tensão do local ondeestá a utilizá-lo. 1mRXWLOL]HRDSDUHOKRSDUDRXWURÀPque não o descrito neste manual. Nunca deixe o aparelho sem vigilânciaquando este estiver ligado a umafonte de alimentação. Nunca utilize quaisquer acessórios oupeças de outros fabricantes ou queD3KLOLSVQmRWHQKDHVSHFLÀFDPHQWHrecomendado. Se utilizar taisacessórios ou peças, a garantiaperderá a validade. 1mRHQUROHRÀRGHDOLPHQWDomRjvolta do aparelho. Aguarde até o aparelho arrefecercompletamente antes de o guardar. Tenha muito cuidado ao utilizaro aparelho, pois este pode estarextremamente quente. Segure apenaspela pega, visto que as outras peçasestão quentes, e evite o contacto coma pele. Coloque sempre o aparelho com osuporte numa superfície plana, estávele resistente ao calor. As placas deaquecimento quentes nunca devemtocar na superfície nem noutrosPDWHULDLVLQÁDPiYHLV (YLWHTXHRÀRGHDOLPHQWDomRHQWUHem contacto com as partes quentesdo aparelho. Mantenha o aparelho afastado deREMHFWRVHPDWHULDLVLQÁDPiYHLVquando estiver ligado. Nunca cubra o aparelho (p. ex., comtoalhas ou roupa) quando estiverquente. Utilize apenas o aparelho sobrecabelos secos. Não utilize o aparelhocom as mãos molhadas. Mantenha as placas de aquecimentolimpas e sem pó e produtos demodelação para o cabelo comoespuma, laca e gel. Nunca utilizeo aparelho em combinação comprodutos de modelação do cabelo. As placas de aquecimento sãorevestidas a titânio. Este revestimentopoderá desgastar-se com o passar dotempo. No entanto, isto não afecta odesempenho do aparelho. Se o aparelho for utilizado em cabelospintados, as placas de aquecimentoSRGHPÀFDUPDQFKDGDV$QWHVGHRXWLOL]DUHPFDEHORDUWLÀFLDOFRQVXOWHsempre o seu distribuidor. Leve sempre o aparelho a umcentro de assistência autorizado da3KLOLSVSDUDYHULÀFDomRRXUHSDUDomR5HSDUDo}HVHIHFWXDGDVSRUSHVVRDVQmRTXDOLÀFDGDVSRGHULDPSURYRFDUuma situação extremamente perigosapara o utilizador. 1mRLQWURGX]DREMHFWRVPHWiOLFRVnas aberturas para evitar choqueseléctricos.&DPSRVHOHFWURPDJQpWLFRV &(0Este aparelho Philips cumpre todas as normas e regulamentos aplicáveisrelativos à exposição a campos electromagnéticos.Ambiente1RÀQDOGDYLGD~WLOGRDSDUHOKRQmRRHOLPLQHFRPRVUHVtGXRVdomésticos; entregue-o num ponto recolha para reciclagem. AoID]rORDMXGDDSUHVHUYDURDPELHQWH ,QWURGXomRA gama Philips Pro foi desenvolvida para lhe oferecer o melhordesempenho, enquanto cuida do seu cabelo de forma perfeita.7UDEDOKiPRVHPFRQMXQWRFRPRVPHOKRUHVFDEHOHLUHLURVSDUDDSUHQGHUFRPRXPSURGXWRVHWRUQDSURÀVVLRQDOSDUDRVFRQVXPLGRUHVHSDUDdesenvolver produtos de acordo com o que aprendemos. O alisador3KLOLSV3URGLVS}HGDVPHOKRUHVFDUDFWHUtVWLFDVGHXPDOLVDGRUSODFDVÁXWXDQWHVFRPXPUHYHVWLPHQWRGXUDGRXURHPWLWkQLRTXHRIHUHFHuma óptima condução de calor para um alisamento rápido com apressão ideal. Este também oferece um tempo de aquecimento de10 segundos para um alisamento imediato e um controlo digital detemperatura, que pode ser controlado por um reóstato. Esperamos quedesfrute da utilização do alisador Pro durante muito tempo!Placas em titânio3ODFDVUHYHVWLGDVDWLWkQLRGHXVRSURÀVVLRQDOVmRYDORUL]DGDVSHODVXDrobustez e transferência rápida de calor, o que resulta num alisamentomais rápido. 9LVmRJHUDOGRDOLVDGRUa ,QGLFDomRGDWHPSHUDWXUDb &REHUWXUDWpUPLFDSURWHFomRGHDUPD]HQDPHQWRc 3ODFDVDOLVDGRUDVHPWLWkQLRd 6DtGDLyQLFDe &RQWURORGHWHPSHUDWXUDf /LJDUGHVOLJDUg &DERGHDOLPHQWDomRURWDWLYRh $UJRODGHVXVSHQVmR $OLVDURVHXFDEHORNotas Seleccione sempre uma regulação mais baixa quando utilizar oalisador pela primeira vez. Utilize o alisador apenas com o cabelo seco. Recomendamos que utilizadores frequentes utilizem produtos deprotecção térmica para o alisamento.1 /LJXHDÀFKDDXPDWRPDGDHOpFWULFDHUHWLUHDSURWHFomRGHarmazenamento.2 Desloque o botão ( ) e segure-o até o ecrã LCD se acender.» $WHPSHUDWXUDSUHGHÀQLGDpDSUHVHQWDGDQRHFUm/&' ).3 Rode o controlo de temperatura para a direita ou para a esquerda( ) para seleccionar uma regulação da temperatura apropriadapara o seu cabelo.Nota: não recomendamos a utilização frequente de temperaturassuperiores a 200 °C para evitar danos no seu cabelo.Tipo de cabelo Regulação da temperaturaCabelo grosso, encaracolado, difícilde alisarMédia a alta(180 °C ou superior)&DEHORÀQRGHWH[WXUDLQWHUPpGLDligeiramente onduladoBaixa a média(150 °C a 180 °C)Cabelo claro, louro, pintado Baixa (inferior a 150 °C)» Quando as placas de aquecimento estão a aquecer, os dígitos daWHPSHUDWXUDÀFDPLQWHUPLWHQWHV» Quando as placas de aquecimento alcançarem a temperaturaseleccionada, a intermitência dos dígitos de temperatura pára.» 4XDQGRRDSDUHOKRpOLJDGRVmROLEHUWDGRVDXWRPDWLFDPHQWHL}HVde forma contínua pela respectiva saída ( ), reduzindo o frisadoe fornecendo um brilho adicional.HPS930(1 8VHUPDQXDO37 0DQXDOGRXWLOL]DGRU060< 0DQXDOSHQJJXQD=+&1 ൱Ҭ߀Ⴌ=++. Ԛ͂ʹ˫AR)$7KHUPR*XDUG27KHUPR*XDUGHYLWDH[SRVLo}HVLQYROXQWiULDVDRFDORUDWHPSHUDWXUDVsuperiores a 200 °C. Quando a temperatura ultrapassa os 200 °C, atemperatura é aumentada em intervalos de apenas 5 °C.'HVDFWLYDomRDXWRPiWLFDO aparelho está equipado com uma função de desactivação automática.Depois de 60 minutos, o aparelho desliga-se automaticamente. Podereiniciar o aparelho deslocando e segurando o bloqueio até o ecrãLCD se acender.4 Penteie o seu cabelo e faça uma madeixa inferior a 5 cm de largurapara alisar.Nota: para cabelo mais grosso, recomendamos a separação de maismadeixas.5 Coloque o seu cabelo entre as placas alisadoras em titânio ( ) eaperte bem as pegas para fechar as placas.6 Deslize o alisador através do comprimento do cabelo num sómovimento (máx. 5 segundos) da raiz até às pontas, sem parar paraevitar um aquecimento excessivo. Para enrolar as pontas, rode lentamente o alisador nummovimento em semi-círculo para dentro (ou para fora) quandoeste alcançar as pontas do cabelo e deixe o cabelo deslizar parafora das placas.7 Para alisar o resto do cabelo, repita os passos 4 a 6.8 Para terminar o seu penteado, pulverize um spray de brilho ou umaODFDGHÀ[DomRVXDYH6XJHVWmRQmRHVFRYHRFDEHORHQTXDQWRHVWLYHUDGHÀQLURSHQWHDGR$SyVDXWLOL]DomR:1 'HVOLJXHRDSDUHOKRHUHWLUHDÀFKDGDFRUUHQWH2 Coloque-o numa superfície resistente ao calor até que arrefeça.3 /LPSHRDSDUHOKRHDVSODFDVDOLVDGRUDVFRPXPSDQRK~PLGR4 Guarde-o num local seguro, seco e sem pó. Pode pendurá-lo pelaargola de suspensão ( ) e bloquear as placas com a protecçãofornecida ( ). *DUDQWLDHDVVLVWrQFLD&DVRQHFHVVLWHGHLQIRUPDo}HVSH[VREUHDVXEVWLWXLomRGHXPacessório, ou tenha algum problema, visite o Web site da Philips ou contacte o Centro de Atendimento ao Cliente3KLOLSVGRVHXSDtV RQ~PHURGHWHOHIRQHHQFRQWUDVHRIROKHWRGHgarantia mundial). Se não existir um Centro de Atendimento ao ClienteQRVHXSDtVGLULMDVHDXPUHSUHVHQWDQWH3KLOLSVGarantia de 2 anos com 3 anos extra se registar o seu produto onlinenum período de 3 meses após a compra.%DKDVD0HOD\XTahniah atas pembelian anda dan selamat menggunakan Philips! Untukmemanfaatkan sepenuhnya daripada sokongan yang ditawarkan olehPhilips, daftar produk anda di PentingBaca dan teliti manual pengguna ini sebelum anda menggunakanSHUNDNDVGDQVLPSDQXQWXNUXMXNDQPDVDGHSDQ AMARAN: Jangan gunakan perkakasini dekat dengan air. Apabila anda menggunakanperkakas ini dalam bilik mandi, cabutplagnya setelah digunakan keranaNHKDPSLUDQQ\DGHQJDQDLUMXJDDGDODKrisiko, walaupun setelah perkakasdimatikan. AMARAN: Jangan gunakan perkakasini berhampiran dengan tabmandi, pancur air, sinki ataubekas lain yang mengandungiair. Cabut plag perkakas setiap kali selepasdigunakan. Jika kord sesalur kuasa rosak, ia mestidiganti oleh Philips, pusat servis yangdibenarkan oleh Philips ataupun pihaklain seumpamanya yang layak bagimengelakkan bahaya. Perkakas ini boleh digunakan olehkanak-kanak berumur 8 tahun danke atas dan orang yang kurangNHXSD\DDQÀ]LNDOGHULDDWDXPHQWDOatau kekurangan pengalaman danSHQJHWDKXDQMLNDPHUHNDGLEHULpengawasan dan arahan berkaitanpenggunaan perkakas secara selamatdan memahami bahaya yang mungkinberlaku. Kanak-kanak tidak sepatutnyabermain dengan perkakas ini.Pembersihan dan penyenggaraan olehpengguna tidak sepatutnya dilakukanoleh kanak-kanak tanpa pengawasan. Sebelum anda menyambungkanperkakas ini, pastikan voltan yangdinyatakan pada perkakas selarasdengan voltan kuasa tempatan anda. Jangan gunakan perkakas untukVHEDUDQJWXMXDQODLQVHODLQGDULSDGDyang diterangkan dalam buku panduanini. Apabila perkakas telah disambungkanNHEHNDODQNXDVDMDQJDQVHNDOLNDOLdibiarkannya tanpa diawasi. Jangan sekali-kali gunakan sebarangperkakas atau bahagian dari mana-mana pengilang atau yang tidakdisyorkan secara khusus oleh Philips.Jika anda menggunakan aksesori atauc d e g hb fa12 EDKDJLDQ\DQJVHGHPLNLDQMDPLQDQDQGDPHQMDGLWLGDNVDK Jangan lilit kord kuasa mengelilingiperkakas. 7XQJJXVHKLQJJDSHUNDNDVVHMXNsepenuhnya sebelum menyimpannya. Beri perhatian penuh semasamenggunakan perkakas kerana iaEROHKPHQMDGLVDQJDWSDQDV3HJDQJSHPHJDQJVDKDMDNHUDQDEDKDJLDQODLQpanas dan elakkan dari bersentuhandengan kulit anda. Sentiasa letakkan perkakas dengandiriannya di atas permukaan rata yangtahan panas dan stabil . Plat pemanasyang panas ini hendaklah tidak sekali-kali menyentuh permukaan atau bahanmudah terbakar yang lain. Jauhkan kord sesalur kuasa daritersentuh pada bahagian panasperkakas. -DXKNDQSHUNDNDVGDULSDGDREMHNGDQbahan yang mudah terbakar apabila iadihidupkan. Jangan sekali-kali tutup perkakasdengan apa-apa (contohnya tuala ataukain) apabila ia panas. Gunakan perkakas hanya padarambut yang kering. Jangan kendalikanperkakas dengan tangan yang basah. Pastikan plat pemanas sentiasa bersihdan bebas daripada habuk dan produkpendandan seperti mus, semburandan gel. Jangan gunakan perkakasini bersama-sama dengan produkpendandan. Plat pemanas mempunyai salutantitanium. Salutan ini mungkin akan hausperlahan-lahan dari masa ke semasa.%DJDLPDQDSXQLQLWLGDNPHQMHMDVNDQprestasi perkakas. Jika perkakas digunakan pada rambutyang dirawat warna, plat pemanasPXQJNLQPHQMDGLNRWRU6HEHOXPmenggunakannya pada rambutSDOVXVHQWLDVDODKPHUXMXNNHSDGDpengedarnya. Kembalikan perkakas ke pusat servisyang dibenarkan oleh Philips setiapkali anda hendak mendapatkanpemeriksaan atau pembaikan.Pembaikan oleh orang yang tidakberkelayakan boleh menyebabkansituasi yang amat berbahaya kepadapengguna. -DQJDQPDVXNNDQREMHNORJDPNHdalam bukaan untuk mengelakkanNHMXWDQHOHNWULN0HGDQHOHNWURPDJQHW (0)Perkakas Philips mematuhi semua piawaian dan peraturan berkaitandengan pendedahan kepada medan elektromagnet.$ODPVHNLWDUJangan buang perkakas ini dengan sampah rumah biasa diakhir hayatnya, sebaliknya bawanya ke pusat pungutan rasmiuntuk dikitar semula. Dengan melakukan ini, anda membantumemelihara alam sekitar.2 PengenalanPhilips Pro range telah dibangunkan untuk menawarkan anda prestasiWHUEDLNGLVDPSLQJPHQMDJDGHQJDQVHPSXUQDUDPEXWDQGD.DPLWHODKEHNHUMDVDPDGHQJDQSHQGDQGDQWHUNHPXNDXQWXNPHPSHODMDULapa yang membuatkan produk profesional untuk pelanggan danPHPEDQJXQNDQSURGXNVHZDMDUQ\D3HOXUXV3KLOLSV3URPHQDZDUNDQkeperluan pelurus terbaik: plat terapung dengan salutan titanium yangtahan lama, menawarkan pengaliran haba yang hebat untuk pelurusanFHSDWGHQJDQWHNDQDQ\DQJRSWLPXP,DMXJDPHQDZDUNDQPDVDmemanas 10 saat untuk pelurusan segera dan kawalan suhu digital, yangboleh dikawal dengan roda reostat. Kami berharap anda akan gembiramenggunakan pelurus Pro untuk masa yang lama!3ODWWLWDQLXPPlat bersalut titanium yang digunakan secara profesional dinilai keranapemindahan habanya yang cepat dan bertenaga, menyebabkanpelurusan yang lebih cepat. *DPEDUDQNHVHOXUXKDQ3HOXUXVa 3HQXQMXNVXKXb 3HQXWXSKDED7XNXSSHQ\LPSDQDQc 3ODWSHOXUXVDQWLWDQLXPd $OXUNHOXDULRQe 7RPEROVXKXf .XDVDKLGXSPDWLg .RGNXDVDSXWDUD\XQh *HOXQJJDQWXQJDQ2-year warranty plus 3 years when you register the product onlinewithin 3 months of the purchaseRegister your product and get support$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG3140 035 37592 |
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