25EnglishProblem Possible cause SolutionThe machine is in the correct mode(the Wi-Fi light is flashingintermittently) but you have notperformed the steps correctly.Make sure you follow the stepsindicated in the app in the correctorder.The Wi-Fi connectivity of themachine used to work but isnot working anymore.Your smartphone is connected to adifferent network than yourmachine.Make sure your smartphone isconnected to the same Wi-Finetwork as your machine.Your Wi-Fi name and/or passwordhave changed.Follow all steps of section'Changing the Wi-Fi connection'.Your smartphone and the coffeemachine are not within range of theWi-Fi router.Make sure that your smartphonethe coffee machine are withinrange of the Wi-Fi router.None of the solutions mentionedabove work.Close and restart the app torecheck the Wi-Fi connection.None of the solutions mentionedabove work.Navigate to machine settings inthe app and remove the machinefrom the app. Then select 'Machineis already connected to Wi-Fi' inthe app.I could always connect mysmartphone to the machine,but suddenly that is no longerpossible.The machine is now connected to adifferent Wi-Fi network than before.Make sure that your smartphoneand coffee machine are connectedto the same network.The name or password of the Wi-Finetwork has been changed.Please make sure that all pairedsmartphones reconnect to thenetwork with the new password.None of the solutions mentionedabove work.Clear all network settings andconnections of the machine. Andthen follow the steps in the app toset up the Wi-Fi connection again(see 'Setting up the Wi-Ficonnection for the first time').The Wi-Fi light on the machineis flashing, and I can use themachine manually, but not withthe L'OR Espresso app.The coffee machine is not connectedto your home Wi-Fi networkanymore.Follow all steps of section'Resetting all connections andsettings".The name or password of theexisting Wi-Fi network has beenchanged or you have installed a newrouter.Follow all steps of section'Resetting all connections andsettings".The solution mentioned above is notworking.Follow all steps of section'Resetting all network settings andconnections'.