26 EnglishProblem Possible cause SolutionThe app cannot reconnect tothe machine.The machine is not plugged in. Plug in the machine to restore theWi-Fi connection.The router is not working properly. Check the router and make sure itis working.Your smart smartphone is connectedto a different network than yourmachine.Make sure your smartphone isconnected to the same Wi-Finetwork as your machine.None of the solutions mentionedabove work.Close and restart the app torecheck the Wi-Fi connection.None of the solutions mentionedabove work.Navigate to machine settings inthe app and remove the machinefrom the app. Then add themachine again in the app.The Wi-Fi light on my coffeemachine is not on anymore.You may have accidentally switchedoff the Wi-Fi connection on themachine.Switch on Wi-Fi by following thesteps in the chapter 'Switching theWi-Fi connection on and off'.The Wi-Fi router is switched off. Switch the router back on and waitfor the Wi-Fi light on the machineto light up again.The Wi-Fi connection of themachine is on and the machineand the app are connected, butremote control via the app doesnot work.The machine is currently rinsing orbrewing.The machine can only becontrolled remotely via the appwhen it is on, in standby mode orwhen there is a warning signal.The internet connection to themachine is not possible or notstable.The Wi-Fi connectivity can beinterrupted by electromagnetic orother interferences.Keep the appliance away fromother electronic devices that maycause interferences.