106 107EVENT SEARCHSelecting this tab will bring up a list of recorded events. Your DVR is configured by defaultto record when motion is detected. You can choose whether to display events triggered byMotion, Sensor or both. These files are saved as events.FILE MANAGEMENTFrom within this tab you can lock, unlock or delete recorded events from the drive.Clicking the Search button in the upper right of the window will bring up a list of events to bedisplayed. Results can be filtered by selecting date and channels if desired.PICTURE 4-36PICTURE 4-37LOCK – Selecting a file and then clicking the Lock button will protect the event from beingoverwritten or deleted unless the entire drive is reformattedUNLOCK – This will remove the file protection and the event recording can be deleted oroverwritten normallyDELETE – If the event is not Locked, this will remove the selected event from the DVR.NOTE! If the status shows “Writing” it means that the sector on the hard drivewhere the file is located is still being written to. You cannot delete the file untilthe file is completed and the word “Writing” disappears.ImageSelect the date you wish to search and clickthe Search button. You will be presented witha list of recorded events.Select the channel and click the Double-clickthe event file you wish to play back.2 3 416 7 85SEARCHSearchTime Search ImageEvent Search File Management SearchDeleteDelete LockLock SaveSave Save AllSave AllTime Search ImageEvent Search File ManagementStart Time3/13End Time12 / 23 / 201012 / 23 / 201000 : 00 : 0000 : 00 : 0023 : 59 : 5923 : 59 : 592512 / 23 / 201012 / 23 / 2010 25PICTURE 4-38IMAGEThis tab functions much as the Event Search tab by allowing you to search for and view thestill images captured when you click on the Snapshot icon on the Control Bar. These imagesare stored on the DVR’s hard drive just as with video files.Select the date to search, along with the start and end times to search between. You can alsoselect which channels you want to include in the search. Clicking the Search button in theupper right of the window will bring up a list of available images.After the search is completed, a count of available images will be displayed along with the firststill image. The buttons at the bottom of this tab allow you to navigate through the images aswell as save them for use outside the DVR.DELETE – This will remove an unwanted image from the hard drive.LOCK – This will prevent a file from being deleted. If a file is locked, this button will readUNLOCK.SAVE/SAVE ALL – These buttons allow you to save individual or all of the images in the groupto an external USB flash drive inserted in the USB port on the front of the DVR.ARROW BUTTONS – Navigate to the first, last previous or next image in the group.