Installing the software Quatech Freedom USB Adapter User’s ManualInstalling under Windows 2000Follow these steps to install the Freedom USB under Windows 2000.Step Procedure Description Step 1 Turn on the power to your computersystem.This is the system in which the FreedomUSB is to be installed. Step 2 Plug the wide flat end of the USB cableinto the downstream connector.This is the connector located on the back ofthe computer of USB hub. Step 3 Plug the square end of the USB cable intothe back of the Freedom USB box.Windows tells you that it has found newhardware and launches the Add NewHardware Wizard. The Found newhardware prompt displays.Figure 10 - Win 2000 Found new hardware promptStep Procedure Description Step 4 Click the Next button. The Search for or display driversprompt displays.Figure 10 illustrates the Win2000 Found new hardwareprompt. The Found NewHardware Wizard launchesautomatically when you firstplug in the Freedom USBserial adapter.Page 10 Rev 2.02 (2/24/2004)