Quatech Freedom USB Adapter User’s Manual Using configuration utilitiesFigure 44 - Win XP/2000 Device Manager USB serial port properties, General tabFigure 44 illustrates the InWin XP/2000 General Tab,which tells you whether theFreedom USB is workingproperly and allows you todetermine the device usage:¾¾Use this device (enable)Do not use this device(disable)This dialog box also containsa link to Window’s generichardware troubleshooterStep Procedure Description Step 3 Click the USB Serial Port AdvancedOptions tab to view the port settingproperties.The Advanced Options dialog boxdisplays.Figure 45 - Win XP/2000 RS-422/485 advanced options dialog windowFigure 45 illustrates theWin XP/2000 RS-422/482USB Serial Ports AdvancedOptions box, which lets youset the connector signalselection, the duplex mode,and the data rate multiplier:Rev 2.02 (2/24/2004) Page 35