SERIES 8800 & 8900 INSTALLATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSPage 23Pilot AdjustmentThe pilot burner flame should envelope 3/8" to 1/2" ofthe flame sensing probe, Figure 15. To adjust the pilotthe following steps must be taken:1. Remove the pilot gas pressure regulator cap.2. Turn the pressure regulator adjustment screw clock-wise to increase the flame and counterclockwise todecrease it.3. Replace the pressure regulator adjustment screwcap.Figure 15 - Pilot Flame AdjustmentGas Pressure AdjustmentCAUTION: The maximum inlet gas pressure listedon the rating plate must not be exceeded or damageto the boiler/water heater may occur voiding thewarranty!The minimum supply pressure listed on the rating plateis for input adjustment.NATURAL GAS: Optimum results are obtained when theboiler/water heater is operated with the manifoldpressure(s) set per Table 13. The manifold pressureshould not vary outside this range. The gas valvepressure regulator has been preset at the factory. Ifadjustment is necessary the following steps must befollowed:1. Attach a 20 in, 508 mm W.C. manometer to the tapon the manifold.2. Remove the regulator adjustment screw cap fromthe gas regulator. On systems that do not use aseparate gas regulator, remove the adjustmentscrew cap from the gas valve body on the valveclosest to the gas supply piping.3. Rotate the regulator adjustment screw clockwise toincrease the manifold pressure, counterclockwise todecrease it.4. Replace the regulator adjustment screw cap andmanifold pressure tap plug.CAUTION: Never force the regulator adjustmentscrew beyond the stop limits or damage to theregulator will occur!PROPANE GAS: Optimum results are obtained whenthe boiler/water heater is operated with the manifoldpressure(s) set per Table 10. If the manifold pressure isoff by more than 5% adjust it according to steps 1through 4 above.Input Rate, Natural GasGas appliances are rated based on sea level operationwith no adjustment required at elevations up to 2000 ft.,610 m. At elevations above 2000 ft, 610 m input ratingsshould be reduced by 4% for each additional 1000 ft,305 m.Check the input rate as follows:1. Turn off all other gas appliances that use the samegas meter as the boiler/water heater.2. Call your gas supplier and ask for the heating valueof the gas.3. Start the boiler/water heater and let it run for 15minutes.4. Using the gas meter and a stopwatch, clock the timethat it takes to burn 10 ft3, 0.28m3 of gas and dividethis time by 10.5. Insert the heating value and the time, in seconds,into the formula below.6. Input = (heating value, Btu/hr)(3600)/(time, seconds)7. If the computed rate deviates by more than 5% fromthe rated input value of the unit adjust the manifoldpressure accordingly. DO NOT adjust the manifoldpressure by more than 5%. If a proper rate cannotbe maintained without adjusting the manifoldpressure beyond the 5% limit, the main burnerorifices must be replaced. If the input rate is too low,go to the next larger size of main burner orifices. Ifthe input rate is too high, go to the next smaller size.CAUTION: Never increase the input to the boiler/water heater above that for which it is rated. Doingso can cause premature failure of the unit!