Using the TV's Features and MenusTh_ V-Chip Rating ScreenThe following is an example of where items are located within the R/RATtNG LtMffscreen,Rating Status FieldL_ts yo select w ether the status of th_ age-ba_ed rating li_fit to theleft is Unbk;ckel Block,RATINGUUUTV-Y7TV-GTV-PGTV-14Rating FieldLets you s¢_(:_from alist of age-basedratings y_Jucan blocko_ unblock,Content ThemesUsts t_ contentti_e_n_syou c_ blockContent Status FieldsL_ts Vo_select wi_ic!_contemptthemes tr_ view fr_rti_e sei_cted _atin_,andwt_the_ th_ status of th_contempttt_¢l_leis _urlentl¥Unblock {IJ) r_rBlock (B}.Rating Settings AreaLets Vo_see te current bRock'viewstate of sg_-based _at _#s and sssr_ciatedcontempt,Blocking Ag_-Bas_d RatingsYou can automatically block all program ratings above aspecified age-based rating levelTo block programs with higher ratings:I, Pressthe up or down arrow button to scroll to the ratingcorresponding with the lowest rating you do not wantthe child to watch,2. Pressthe OK button to toggle between U (Ut_btock)and B(Block},The status for the rating listed to the left and allhigher ratings automatically changesto B (Block).3, Pressthe GOBACKbutton to return the PARENTALGUIOEmenu.4, Pressthe down arrow button to highlight PARENTALGUIOEOFF,then pressthe right arrow button to turn iton. tt must be on for rating limits to take effect.ViewingAge-BasedRatingsAfter Wu block age-based ratings, Wu can change some ofthe ratings back to Unb!ock.I, Pressthe up or down arrow button to select the ratingwith a status of B(Block).2, Pressthe right arrow button to select U (Lh_block}.1 fi t_h_ntPr 3