Using the TV's Features and MenusAREN"] &IL GL_I_EPARENTALGUIDE ONTV RATINGMPAA RATINGCHILD LOCK OFFCHANGEPASSWORDChild LockSelecting this option lets Wu lock {disable) or unlock {enable)the TV'sfront panel. The remote still tunes to any channelWhen using this as a Parental Control method, remove accessto any remote that is capable of operating the television.1. PressMENU on the remote control (the Main menuappears).2. Pressthe right arrow button until the Parental Guide iconis highlighted.3. Pressthe down arrow button until the bottomPASS[$'ORDis highlighted, then pressthe right arrowbutton to accessthe passwordentry.4. Enter wur passwordusing the numbers buttons on theremote (the PARENTALGUIDEmenu appears).5. Pressthe down arrow button to highlight CHILDLOCK,then pressthe right arrow button to turn it on.CHIAN;2EP#,SSWORDNEW PASSWORD ....CONFIRM ---Change PasswordSelecting this option letsyou simply create a new passwordat any time. 0nee you enter a new password from CHANGEPASSWORDin the PARENTALGUIDEmenu, it is the passwordyou use until you change it again.1. PressMENU on the remote control (the Main menuappears).2. Pressthe right arrow button until the Parental Guide iconis highlighted.3. Pressthe down arrow button until the bottomPASS[$'ORDis highlighted, then pressthe right arrowbutton to accessthe passwordentry.4. Enter wur passwordusing the numbers buttons on theremote (the PARENTALGUIDEmenu appears).5. Pressthe down arrow button to highlight CHANGEPASS[_'ORD,then pressthe right arrow button to selectit,6. Pressthe down arrow button to highlight NEWPASSWORD,and use the number buttons on the remoteto enter the new password.Enter it again in the confirmfield to confirm the new password._h_nf_r _ 1 Q