Using the DVD Player's Menu SystemHow to Create a ProgramTo use tile l"roj4ran_ IqcO' opcion, you must create a pn)gram list to set the order in which you want the tracks (or titles andchapters on a I)VI) vMeo disc and titles on ;u'J MP3 disc) on the disc to play. The Program Play screen varies depending onthe type of disc (I)VI), (71), or MP3) you are playinglille Chapter Program tisl124) (1221m mlWhen the Title box is highlighted, enterthe title number you want to place inthe list.Creating a Program List for a DVD Video Disc1 If the disc is playing, press STOP to stop playback (the I)VI) playermain I1](_nl_l appears).2. l li_hlight /q_(l'Mode and press OK (the l:'lcO,Mode menu appears).3. Ilighlight l'dit P'qqran _ lcl press OK {the k'dil Pr(hq_zcm screenappears).4 The 77111'hox is higltlighted. {ise the up,down arrows or thenumber buttons on the remote to enter the title you want to playfirst. The title number you entered appears in the Title box. Thenumber of chapters available appears under the Chapter box.5. I-fighlight the Chapter box and use the up/down arrows or thenumber buttons on the remote to enter the chapter yon want toplay first and press OK. The highlight jumps to the Add button.6.7,Press OK to add that chapter to the Program List. The highlightjumps back to the Title box so you can add more titles and/orchapters. Make sure the Title box is highlighted and enter your nexttitle and/or chapter.Continue adding titles/chapters as explained in steps 4-6 until yourprogram is complete. You can play your program by highlightingPI_O' and pressing OK, or you can save the program by highlightingDone and pressing OK. If you save the program, you can select itfrom the Inlk) Display while the disc is playing. The program will beerased when you remove the disc fl'om the player.68 Chapter 6