Program Mode 23Change Datalog SettingThe monitor calculates and stores the gas readings at specifiedintervals, which can be reviewed by the user. Users may also programadditional datalog options for the monitor through the computer.Clear All Data?Erase all data stored in the non-volatile memory, but does not deletethe PEAK, MIN, STEL, TWA displayed values, which are storedseparately.Change Datalog Period?Program the datalog period from 1 second to an hour (3,600 seconds).Select Data Type?Store either the average (TWA) or peak value for each datalog interval.If peak values are selected, average values like STEL and TWA will notbe selected.Enable/Disable Datalog?Enable or disable the datalogging function for each sensor. If a * isdisplayed next to a sensor name, data will be recorded. Use M to movefrom sensor to sensor. An asterisk (*) means the sensor is enabled; noasterisk means the sensor is disabled. Press [Y/+] to select or press[N/-] to deselect. To save changes, press M until “Save?” appears.Then press [Y/+] to accept. Otherwise, hold M to escape and cancelchanges.Select Memory Full Type?The instrument’s memory can store about 3 days’ worth of data, as aresult of continuous monitoring at 1-minute intervals. Users may selectone of two types of memory storage:Wrap-around: after the memory becomes full, the latest dataoverwrites the oldest data. e.g. the most recent 3 days’ worth of datais stored.Stop: halts datalogging when the memory is full, and the “MEM”alarm sounds. e.g. the first 3 days’ worth of data is stored.Y/+N/-Y/+ MODEMODEMODE