38 TroubleshootingTroubleshootingTechnical Service: 1.888.723.4800 or email: Tech@raesystems.comor email: Tech@raesystems.comorProblem Possible Reason(s) Possible Solution(s)Cannot turn onafter chargingbattery.Defective battery.Microprocessor hang-up.Charge or replacebattery. Disconnect thenreconnect battery to resetcomputer. Otherwise,install alkaline batterypack. If that still does notwork, then call Service.“Incorrect Year- Check Clock!”error message.Battery has died andthere is a mismatchbetween the date codeon the sensors and itsinternal clock.Press [Y/+] and resetclock.Cannot turn off.Corruptedcharacters.Microprocessor hang-up.Disconnect and reconnectbattery to reset computer.Reload firmware.No LED or LCDbacklight.Defective LED or LCDbacklight.Check if backlight is inmanual mode. Otherwise,call service center.Lost password. Forgot. Use ProRAE Suite toreset password.Buzzerinoperative.Bad buzzer.Setting could be inspecial run silent mode.Call authorized servicecenter.Calibration errormessage.No calibration gasinput. Low sensitivity tocalibration gas.Check standard gas flowpath or cylinder pressure.Change calibration gas orsensor.“Voltage toohigh” errormessage, whilecharging.Battery fuse blown.Wrong AC adapter. ACadapter not fully pluggedin.Check battery andadapter.“Bat” errormessage.Battery low. Recharge battery.Y/+