13Ec ControllerNOTE: In 230 V models, the first flashing 01represents the day. You will set the day first, andthen the current month.4. Press ENTER.5. The second 01 begins flashing (representing the day ofthe month). A cursor will appear under the SET DAY icon.6. Press + or - to set the current day(1 through 31).7. Press ENTER.Set TimeDIAGRAM 81. After setting the correct month and date, leave theprogramming dial on DATE/TIME.2. The time of day appears. In 117 Volt models, thedisplay will show AM or PM (for example, 12:01 AM).In 230 Volt models, the time appears in 24-hour format, (forexample 14:01), and the display will not show AM or PM.A cursor will appear under the SET TIME icon.3. Press + or - to set the current hour (1 through 12 AM orPM, or 00:00 through 23:00).4. Press ENTER.5. The minute digits begin flashing.6. Press + or - to set the current minute(1 through 59).7. Press ENTER.Select Pre-Set SchedulesDIAGRAM 9Use this procedure if you want to select a pre-set schedule. Ifyou want to set your own custom watering schedule, godirectly to Select Program (A, B, and/or C).For your convenience, the Ec has three pre-set wateringschedules you can select on any program (A, B, or C).• 5 Pr E1 Waters all stations for five minutes everyday at 6 a.m. (06:00), 10 a.m. (10:00), and 2 p.m.(14:00).• 10 Pr E2 Waters all stations for ten minutes everyother day at 6 a.m. (06:00).• 10 Pr E3 Waters all stations for ten minutes every thirdday at 6 a.m. (06:00).