28WARNING - SERVICING TO BE CARRIED OUT ONLY BY AN AUTHORISED PERSONDisconnect from electricity before servicing. Check appliance is safe when you have finished.lead. Fit new electrode to the lead. Fix electrode inburner with screw. Replace burner cap. Check the burnerignition. Replace pan supports.11. To Remove or Change a Hotplate Burner.Remove the hotplate tray (see 2).The burners except the right hand wok burnerare mounted on support struts. For these burners,disconnect the burner feed pipes at the burner. Removethe screws at the front and rear holding the supportstruts. Lift the strut and burners clear. The burners arefixed to the support struts with 2 screws. Remove theappropriate burner and fit the new one. Reassemble inreverse order. Check burner operation is satisfactory.RH Wok burnerDisconnect the burner feed pipes at the burner. Fit thenew one and reassemble in reverse order. Check burneroperation is satisfactory.12. To Remove an Oven DoorOpen oven door and remove Handyrack (where fitted)by springing one side out of the bracket on the door andsliding the other side free.Door is heavy - take care. Open the oven door. Loosenthe two top hinge screws.Support the weight of the door and remove the screwnearest the hinge pin. Swing the hinge up and awayfrom the hinge pin on the door.Lift the door away from the bottom hinge.Re-assemble in reverse order.When replacing the door ensure that the nylon hingebush is in position between the hinge pin and the hingebracket at the both the bottom and top.13. To Change Main Oven Door Outer PanelMove the cooker forward to gain access to the sides.Open the oven door slightly and remove the front panelfixing screws from the door sides (two each side).thermostat capillaryearthing plateRight hand oven,The oven thermostat capillary is clamped to the righthand rear upright with an earthing plate.Remove thermostat phial cover (2 screws). Unclip thethermostat phial from the clips in the oven back.Feed the thermostat capillary out of the oven.Disconnect wiring from thermostat. Remove 2 screwsholding thermostat to mounting panel. Fit newthermostat and reassemble in reverse order. Ensurethat the phial is clipped to the oven back with the phialcentrally positioned between the clips.Remember to refit the earthing plate.Check operation of thermostat.7. To Change Grill ControllerDisconnect from the electricity supply.Remove the control panel and hotplate (see 1 & 2).Disconnect wiring from controller. Remove 2 screwsholding controller to mounting panel. Fit new controllerand reassemble in reverse order. Check for correctoperation.BEFORE SERVICING ANY GAS CARRYING COMPONENTSTURN OFF GAS SUPPLY.8. To Change Hotplate Control TapsDisconnect from the electricity supply.Remove the control panel and hotplate (see 1 & 2).Undo compression fitting at the rear of the tap. Removethe fixings that secure the tap to the gas rail. Removethe tap. Remove and discard the gasket seal. Fit newgasket seal to replacement tap. Re-assemble in reverseorder. Check the appliance is gas sound. Check hotplateignition.9. To Change Hotplate Burner InjectorRemove burner cap and head. Remove old jet. Fit newinjector. Reassemble in reverse order. Check appliance isgas sound.10. To Change Hotplate Burner ElectrodeLift off pan supports, remove burner cap. Remove thescrew holding the electrode. Pull electrode verticallyup sufficiently to grip the lead between thumb andforefinger. Pull off the electrode, but keep hold of the