the cursor to the desired field and make your changes asfollows:· To turn Security ON/OFF (default is OFF): Press the <Ï>/<Ð>keys to toggle.· To change Security activation delay time (default is 15 minutes).Move to the Time Out field, then type a number from 01 to 99,or use the <Ï>/<Ð> keys to specify a time interval. If the systemwill remains inactive (no keyboard or mouse operation) for thistime interval, the next user is required to enter a password toaccess the MasterConsole II.· To change the Administration Password: Move to ChangePasswords, where Admin will be highlighted. Press the key and type a new password (up to eight alphanu-meric characters, no spaces). Press . Confirm thepassword by typing it again. Press .· To change a User Password, press the key to highlightone of the desired Users. Press . Type a new password(up to eight alphanumeric characters, no spaces). Press. Confirm the password by typing it again. Press. Repeat this process for the remaining four Users,pressing the key to move from one User field to the next.You can specify up to five User Passwords.· To change the type of keyboard, press the key to high-light Language Mode field. Press <Ï>/<Ð> to select English,German, or French.11Administration MenuSecurity: OnTime Out: 15 MinutesChange Passwords:Admin User1 User2User3 User4 User5Language Mode: EnglishF1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 EscFigure 10. Administration Menu