31MasterConsole II Configuration DiagramsFor more information on cabling details see Figure 4, 5, and 13.Basic MasterConsole II One-Tier ConfigurationsMasterConsole II Two-Tier Configuration with Remote Access KitFigure 25. One-Tier with Remote Access KitC C P xUUTP Cat5 Cable Up to 650 feetC C P xUC at5 L o calK V MM o d u leC at5R em o teK V MM o d u leO ne-Tier C onfiguration w ith aR em ote and a Local A ccesses M C C 16Figure 24. Basic One-Tier ConfigurationsCCPxUM asterConsole II Basic Configurations of2 to 16 Com putersM C C 8CCPxUM C C 4 CCPxUM C C 16