32MasterConsole II Two-Tier ConfigurationMasterConsole II Two-Tier Configuration with MasterConsole P ModelFigure 27. Two-Tier Configuration with MasterConsole P ModelCCPxU CableCCPxUCCPxUCableM asterConsole II Tw o-TierConfiguration w ithM asterConsole P M odelCCPxUM C C 16M C P16M C C 16Figure 26. Two-Tier Configuration of up to 256 ComputersCCPxU CableUser PortChannel PortsCCPxU CCPxU CCPxUM asterConsole II Tw o-TierC onfiguration for Up to 256Com putersM C C 16M C C 16M C C 16M C C 16CCPxUCableM C C 16