Chapter 5: Setting Up the System Defaults 5-13Object InformationObject InformationYou can set Object Information ON ALL, ON POINTS or OFF to determine whenan object identification pop-up is displayed. When set to ON ALL, theinformation pop up is displayed when the cursor is placed over any chart areafor two seconds. ON POINTS enables the information pop up when the cursor isplaced over a displayed chart object and OFF disables the information pop up.Waypoint OptionsWaypoint Symbols controls whether or not the waypoints are shown on theChart display, with their appropriate symbols. The active waypoint, andwaypoints in the current route are always shown.Waypoint Numbers controls whether or not the waypoint numbers areshown for any waypoints in the current route.Default Waypoint Symbol lets you select the symbol you want used forwaypoint display.VectorsHeading, Tide and Course Over Ground vectors can be displayed as a linefrom your vessel. The length of the vector is determined by your choice ofSOG and the time period. An infinite vector extends to the edge of the chartscreen.Heading Vector indicates your current heading.COG Vector indicates your course over ground.Tide Vector indicates the tide angle. Tide information is calculated from thespeed through water, compass and position data.Radar/Chart SynchNot valid for SL520/530/631 PLUS display.Datum SelectionYou can select either WGS 84 or LOCAL datum. In LOCAL mode, you arepresented with a list of datums; use the trackpad to scroll through the list, thenpress ENTER to select the option and close the menu.CAUTION:Changing the chart datum does not cause any waypoint or routes storedin the chartplotter to move on the display, although their latitude andlongitude changes to reflect the new datum.