Appendix B: C-MAP Chart Card Features B-1C-MAP Chart CardFeaturesAppendix B: C-MAP Chart Card FeaturesThe C_MAP chart cards display cartographic features which are derived froma library of symbols. The library includes a set of 16 x 16 pixel bitmaps whichprovide realistically shaped icons for many chart objects. However, thesecomplex icons can overlap and clutter the display at some scales, so it possiblefor the user to select smaller, simple icons. Some chart objects are representedby text; in such cases conventional abbreviated text is used, for example, M –mud, R – rock, Wk – wreckThe chartplotter set up menu provides the sub-menu CUSTOMISE CHART, whichlets you determine how chart features are displayed. You can set the icondisplay of many features to custom; you then use the CUSTOM soft key toswitch the customized icons off/on. The factory default for the CUSTOMoptions is on.The chart features controlled from the Customize Chart menu are grouped asdetailed below, some groups are sub-divided into categoriesMenu Option Chart FeaturesCHART TEXT NamesCHART BOUNDARIES Chart BoundariesSPOT SOUNDINGS Spot SoundingsDEPTH SHADING LIMIT Reference DepthDEPTH CONTOURS Depths (Bathymetric Lines)Depth LabelsDEPTH CONTOUR DIS-PLAYDepth ContourRangeNAV MARKS Lights:Light;Light moire’ effect;Light float;Light vesselBuoys and Beacons:Buoy, cardinalBuoy, installationBuoy, isolated dangerBuoy, lateralBuoy, safe waterBuoy, special purposeBuoy, genericBeacon, cardinalBeacon, isolated dan-gerBeacon, lateralBeacon, safe waterBeacon, special pur-poseBeacon, genericSignalsAnchorCairnChain/WireFog signalRadar reflectorTop markNav aid, genericExtended nav- aid,genericRadar stationRadar transponder bea-conRadio stationLIGHT SECTORS Light Sectors